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Baseball season is Upon us



Most of you big sports fans know college basketball is in full swing right now and will be right on until the finals which is the final four. So March Madness is about to begin! So many teams so many good and great players at the college levels.


The thing about this is not all of these young men and women will ever play professional ball. The ones that do can and probably will be set for life as having a great income for many years of their lives. Their parents should be pretty proud of their sons and daughters. They will be satisfied knowing their hard earned savings were well spent on their higher education goals.


For those who for what ever reason don't play professional ball, just having an education is so great to be hired in the work force of their fields of expertise!


Then comes the American past time...The game of Baseball! It goes with our love of apple pie. Our own Lenny is the biggest fan, I think here! He is set to see a few games at the ball parks and has invited me to attend a game or two! I really hope I'm able to meet him at one of them when it's really warm and not raining.


There were off season trades and players acquired from the college levels, not many retirements I know about. I hope the league has it all together and there won't be any stoppages like in years past. That upsets the whole game schedules.


This year I see they are planing a game with all the black players and many record setting players in Atlanta, GA. this year 2011. See the schedule on the message board under MLB topic. I hope some of your sons and daughters graduating from college are chosen in the different drafts for baseball.


There were many college football draftees from military parents here at Fort Hood, Texas. We had a dinner together the week after the Heisman Trophy presentation in New York. There are so many colleges all over Texas and these kids like to be close to their parents.



That explains why some go to the military academies like West point, Navy and Air Force academies. Following in the footsteps of their fathers who are great military leaders of our Armed Forces!



So now, you have it, a rap up of the baseball season that's getting underway and tidbits of our other great American sports. I just don't know enough about Hockey, Volleyball and Race Cars to comment on those sports. Although I will say just last week I saw a segment on CNN about 4 black hockey players and they are all on this one team in Atlanta. I suppose they are real good players to make the team. :big_grin: :rolleyes: :roflmao:


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