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Didn't realize how tired....



I went ahead and did it. I took Sam for a walk last night, even after a 30 minute work-out in the fitness center at teh office earlier in the day. I think I was hopped up on endorphens or something. lol_1.gif


We walked our usual rout to the Nazarine church and home. As usual, I set the pace, and I am NOT training for anything, so the pace is casual. It's just to get out, get air, and get moving.


Sam noticed I was leaning a little more on the cane toward the end of the walk, so he looked me in the eye and said "nappy time," which is code for

when we get home, you need to lie down and rest." For once in our lives, I didn't argue. I spent about an hour and a half with 1 cat curled up by my left ankle, and another cat curled up on my right shoulder, nuzzled into my neck. Vivi is a little bit of a co-dependant cat, and her humans, Laney and Tom, have moved out. She will follow in a few weeks, once they have the $450 in pet deposits and fees. In the mean time, she is up my......well, you get the picture.


About the time I was waking up again, Sam told me Logan (offspring #3) had called and needed a ride home from teh high school. He spends most of his days there, designing lights, sets, etc. for the various performances (he goes to a performing arts school), or setting up and programming the light board for performances from other departments, as well as public rentals (when you rent the Blake theater for a function, you also rent a "techie" since their light board is a brand new, state of the art, concert combo board and not just anyone can run it.). I asked Sam if he wanted company, so he waited for me to disentangle myself from teh cats and get ready.


Logan back home, my best friend called and asked for Sam to come over and hive her a back mannage. We said ok and Logan told us not to worry about dinner, he could fend for himself. Off we went.


Sam worked on Jeani's back for about an hour while Darrell, Jeani's husband, and I hung out in the living room. Darrell and I work for the same company, but in 2 different departments, so we had plenty of office gossip to go over. Massage over, Sam and Jeani sat down in the living room with us and we all hung out til about 11 pm. Good thing Jeani and Darrell live close to us. It was "way past pumpkin time" for this Cinderella by the time we got home.


So, this morning, the right arm and leg are burning and tired. I'm slower to move than usual, and I am very grateful for my buddy Antron, who has been happy to help me out this morning, walking to the printers, etc.


I'm just plain tired.


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