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Happy Stuff



My daughter, Leighann, is graduating college on Sunday. Besides all the things she juggles in her life, a boyfriend, a full time +job,sporadic self employment, volunteering, pets(including my old Lab that I'm unable to care for), friends, and many creative endeavors, she's been there for me at every turn in the 16 months since my stroke. She slept in my hospital room for 5 1/2 weeks along with my husband, took time out of school and used all her school breaks to help me in whatever I needed, cheers me on and reminds me how far I've come when I feel down. so, this is a thank you to all the caregivers out there and to mine especially. You're incredible. <3 <3


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I second Leese's statement! We wouldn't be half th places we are in our recovery if it weren't for all of th selfless hard work, positive energies (even when they think they don't bhave any left), love and support they give us every minute of every day!!!

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:congrats: to your amazingly caring kind daughter. you have raised her well so take the too. Without loving caregivers support we would not be at this better place in our life today.



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You have raised a compassionate caring young lady. A duplicate of yourself. You must be a very proud parent. I envy you. Give her a big hug from all of us here. We are all proud of her also. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

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