leg braces

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I haven't heard the subject of leg braces (AFO) come up. So many survivirs seem to be way ahead of where I think I should be.


I've recently gotten a lightweight brace from the arch of my left foot to calf level & this one is articulated so I an move my ankle more normally. I'm having problems with it forcing my foot to lean to the outside portion of my foot.


How much walking do any of you do per day?


My stroke was 11/04, brain-bleed, affected left side, kidney failure, clots in legs, pulmonary embolism & seizures., but I'm fine npe - just want to get uo & catch up with you all!


Really enjoy reading all of the posts; laugh or cry with all.




Marilyn flowers.gifflowers.gif

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Marilyn, you know everyone is different and each person was affected differently. I had a bleed also, but with me it's balance. When tired, I walk terribly. When not tired, I can concentrate, walk a little slower and do quite well. The "not tired days" are few nowaday. Last December I got a pedometer but haven't set it yet- I really would like to because I work in mass merchandisers and wonder how much walking or pushing a shopping cart (which helps) I do per day. I suspect some days It could be several miles. On days like that, I'm glad to come home and flop in bed.
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Phyllis: WOW am I impressed. We're the same age & as a hairstylist, I've been constantly on my feet and never a lunch hour! I have been encouraged to go back to my friends salon & do a few manicures & I did specialize in color correction and you know what they say about the old firehorse.....I'm going to give it a go AND you have inspired me.


Funny you'd mention a pedometer; my husband bought several & gave them to my therapists- they got a kick out of them- pretty soon my dr wanted one too & they all started comparing how many miles they walked in a day, it was comical.


God bless & keep movin'.


Marilyn flowers.gifflowers.gif

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I had a hairstylist a few years back who had a very tall stool on rollers that he used all the time while cutting and styling hair. You might look into something like that it you have trouble standing for long periods. He was really good. I hated leaving him behind in our move. The only thing he stood for was the shampoo.



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Good idea! When I can walk & hold my torso upright & lift my left arm without jerking all over the place, I'll have to try that one. I cut hair with a razor, can you inagine one slip and whoa.......


When I was in rehab, my son & husband would wheel me out to the patio area & I'd cut their hair; they'd take turns holding my arm in position so I could cut! The caregivers looked at us like we were crazy. Even now, it looks so silly, 1/2 way thru the operation we laugh at ourselves at how it looks.


Thanks for the idea!


Marilyn flowers.gif

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Follow up re braces & going to work again: I did go to the shop & successfully gave the manicure without undo strain to me or cuts & bruises to the client!


Next stop was to have my brace adjusted which was done by putting a thin lift inside my shoe & heat & mold the side of the brace. Apparently the bone on the outer side of the foot commonly get irritated, so I'm to watch out for future problems. Now I will walk more & see what happens.


He also padded the right shoe to make me "even" ; guess my hips were slightly uneven.


I was told a long time ago to put the wheelchair at the far end of the house & ONLY use it when going outside. From today on, I'm going to do it & see what happens.


This certainly turned out to be a long drawn out follow up.


Have a pleasant day to all!



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Marylin, my husband has been wearing an AFO for two years now and it has been great help for him..One thing that I would like everyone else who wears one know is that you should have it checked out at least once a year if not twice a year.. My husband just had another one made after wearing his old one for almost 2 years. We found out that the old one was not fitting well anymore and was giving him pressure sores. We also re fitted his shoes, the old ones were one size too big, those were fitted by an Orthosis shop.. angry.gif TWICE... oh well past history..

His AFO has hinges on the ankles so he can bend his ankle..I am noticing though that his ankle has some deformity, the masage therapist said it looks like muscle atrophy. He uses his right leg but not completely,most of his weight shifting is done on his good left side..I am worried about it and will be making an appointment with a Podiatrist..No sense asking his Primary, I am reluctant to discuss anything with him..After telling me that my husband is too old to have Prostate problems, he is 64..anyway another subject.. Best to see who specializes in such matters, that is what they are there for..


Take care


Angie smile.gif



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My brace is hinged at the ankle, & I too tend to put more weight on my right leg. Its in our brain to over-compensate, so I'm told, so I'm going to talk to myself about that & re-train my brain. LOL


Appreciate the info & response.





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  • 6 months later...

I started out with a generic AFO about 3 months after my stroke. My PT at the time thought that a custom AFO was a waste of money. Anyway, my ankle and foot problems continued. Once Medicaid approved the custom AFO for me, things have improved a bit. It has a boot inside the AFO to add extra ankle support.


The orthotist that I see has been great - he has me in every 2 to 3 weeks for adjustments and also to check my skin, etc. Without this device I may have ended up with permanent damage to my right foot and ankle. It was a little difficult walking at first (since it isn't hinged and doesn't bend at the ankle).


Now I have to find something to help keep my leg (at the knee) aligned so that my foot can stay straight.


Good luck with your AFO's everyone.





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Boy am I glad I finally got around to getting to reading the new posts after feeling rotten the past couple of days! The info above has educated me a little(just a little) about AFO's. I had one made I think it was about 2-3 weeks into in-patient rehab but didn't get to wear it for several months, for several months the PT had me wearing a black ankle(I can't remember what its called)and foot type brace that is secured w/velcro. Well I wore that thing for several months and I'm thinking now that's why my ankle and foot is so weak when just maybe if I had had the proper support at the start what weakness there was in my ankle and foot might not have got so bad. I do wear the black thing w/a high top tennis shoe at night so in case I do have to get up I will be able to walk a little but even wearing it my foot still turns over on its side and if I walk too much w/it on the foot/ankle really starts to hurt. Anyway, after reading the posts above I'm thinking I should probably have a new one made since I've been wearing this one for at least a year and a half-maybe a little longer. and I also didn't know there were other kinds of AFO's except the "hard plastic kind that goes from under my toes to half way up my calf". Its weird now that I try and think back to when the PT/rehab had me wearing only the black thing(i'm going to try and find out what the thing is called but until then I guess its the black thing).I excerise my foot every night but now I'm starting to think the damage is too far gone to get stronger. Has or did anyone else have this problem? and you members that do wear the AFO's, after all this time you think its time for a new one or a different type? ....rose

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Hey Jasco!

I have an aluminum AFO with a hinge and spring at my ankle. I have found it a great deal easier to fit shoes correctly compared to the molded plastic one that I was issued in rehab. If you tend to roll inwards, I strongly suggest you visit a podiatrist for a consultation as it may help you to wear an orthotic inside your shoe. I went through a couple of years of grief which could have been avoided had my AFO technicien clued me into realizing I needed support inside my shoe. Orthotics come in different thicknesses and slimmer versions will fit better in dressier shoes but regular are fine in runners.




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Pat & Rosejill:

Its been awhile since I looked at this site: I didn't know about the "boot" thing you described Rosejill, nor the aluminium one................we can't be that fargone if we can still spell aluminium...............


I'll have to check them out. Since those previous posts, I had a fall & wounded my hip. Its healed up but my standing & walking is really bad. Probably because I don't do enough of either.

Cheers to all,


Marilyn :cheer:

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