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I've been housebound, (unable to drive, work, etc), for almost 10 years now. What kind of things do other survivors do who don't work outside the home? How do you spend your day?



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It isn't fun being house bound. I get up, get my child ready for school, walk her to school, clean house:( , laundry, read books/magazines, on the pc all the time, window shop online, chat,im, watch t.v., movies,you name it.

I hope you can find the sliver lining in being house bound. It can drive you stir crazy sometimes.


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I am a care giver for my husband who is a total care patient. I am pretty much

housebound myself. I read a lot while listening for my husband to call me. I also quilt, embroidery, crochet and bake for my grown children. I love playing games on the computer. Those things plus laundry, cooking three meals a day and cleaning up usually take up all my time. I do have help three days a week for three hours so I can get out and go to the grocery store, pharmacy and dr appointments. This last week I had a special treat and visited for two hours with an old friend of mine from many many years ago.


If you like to read, I would like to suggest Beverly Lewis' books. They are really good. The 5 book series on Abram's Daughters is good, plus The Heritage of Lancaster County is a 3 book series. You can get these on e-bay for less than the book stores are selling them, unless you have a Half Price Books close by.


I used to tell my children when they were growing up, that smart people did not get bored. They always seemed to find something to do right quick. I have had to apply that to myself some since the stroke grounded us.


Hope some of this has helped.


God be with you,



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ive been housebound for approximately 2 years. i like to paint, read, play games on the computer, watch police shows and antiques roadshow. i can walk to the store or across the street to the park if i must get out. however, between housework, physical therapy (which is sporadic) and tv programs, i seem to stay quite busy. i enjoy the court tv shows and some talk shows. i like planning my daily meals around them. reading is my first love and the computer is my second, so i always can find something to read or do on the computer. also, listening to good music (while drinking a glass of fine wine) or whatever you drink, is fun too - gives you a treat to look forward to. i worked for 38 years straight fulltime,so really im enjoying being at home, although i didn't want this to happen to retire. cocktail.gif oh yeah, ive noticed that other folks have also enjoyed self analyzation and just plain time to think. hope this helps.

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I don't work or drive either. Most winters the doc has me stuck inside for about 3 months where I don't go anywhere. Not that I go many places anyway biggrin2.gif


If it's not too cold or hot (I don't handle the extreme temps well at all) I go to speech therapy about 3 days a week. My other trips out are to my church on Sunday mornings and maybe I'll go to the mall or Wal-Mart once a week.


Other than that, I pretty much stay in the house. I watch some TV, get online a lot, and eat lol_2.gif


Since I can't walk, I'm limited to how much I get out too by how much my caregiver wants to get out.

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Susan, I'm going on two years, but I drive, don't work, except yard work, inside the house stuff and other small jobs around my house. I even shop at all the stores.


My wife appreciates that and I'm happy I can contribute. That breaks up my time from being boring. Then, I still have rehab twice a week for now plus doctor appointments. I never have time to get bored, I'm on the go most of the week, even going to the bowling center to visit with old team members.


Another thing that I do is get on my 3-wheel electric scooter and ride all over the mall. I'm only 2 blocks away. I even go there early mornings and walk inside before the stores open for business.


I'm not fast, I use a quad cane, so I have my limit and area I walk. I park my scooter, start and finish at the cookie shoppe right by the food court. Then we sit there and tell old war and combat stories for a couple hours. I come back home shower and take a nap. I find that much safer than walking in the neighborhood streets fighting off the loose dogs.



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Hi all

# 3 years post & I am very much housebound

We live in the country

no neighbors

I can't drive husband works and is too busy to go many places

I am still very physically limited - can't use a bathroom out unless right conditions

Can't get into some of our friends houses

I'm lonely unenthused, spend my time trying to relearn my accounting skills

I d was a very social,people person

I can't do much around the house rwe are in the sticks & have dialup so I don't spend much time on-line

My grown daughters live in another town, MFEMF

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I usually do all these things. I still can't drive so I'm kind of dependent on my husband. I guess my favorite things are reading and watching tv.


I get tired of the internet quickly.

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Pam, like you, I don't know where the time goes! As for activities; I have spent a lot of time - months - searching & finding a rascal who left town owing us a considerable sum of money! I did the investigation & prepared documents.


I thought I'd have time to read some books I've wanted to read long before my stroke (11/26/04), but so far, no luck. I'd like to take some online computer classes.


If I could drive & navigate well enough I'd volunteer to be on jury duty - heaven knows the court system needs thinkers on the juries!


Genealogy is a hobby of mine & once you've been bitten by the "bug" you don't have enough hours in the day to look up all of the interesting family histories.


I think I'd like to walk along with Fred & stop at the cookie shop. He & my husband could reminice (sp?) about WWII.


My son is a Ham - Amateur Radio enthusiast & he recently got the software to use thru the internet to communicate with people all over the world. I'm thinking of getting my license so I can do the same.


Needless to say the stroke has slowed me down but not out.


Cheers all... hiya.gif





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I stared to sew after I had time on my side. I am now doing quilting. I don't read much now because of my short term memory, can't remember the begining of a story. I just stated being able to follow a movie. I used to think I was sociable but I have always enjoyed solo activities. It helps to find an interrest and take advantage of not worried about schedules. What ever I do, it takes the time it takes me to do it, and I just about forget about time. Hope you find something to interrest you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Susan,It's been a little over a year for me.I am able to get out via paratransit & family,so I take adapted physical education and assistive technology classes at the local junior college.When I had no transportation, and stayed at home,I d id research on the internet,I read,played with or trained my dogs,who are my constant daytime companions,did the excercises I got in rehab, had started to write creatively,I did water color painting,drew,and started to bird watch again.I wish I had more to share with you, I know it's not easy,I wish you all the best in filling your time with interesting activities.



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