bioness 2000

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Does any one has any experience with bioness 2000, on Nov 17 I have volunteered to be ginny pig for Bioness device at my old rehan hospital. It looks very similar to sabeoflex except its secially designed for hand, its kind of electrical stimulus for hand, I hope it works good on my hand since I have lot of spaticity in my hand, have done botox injections 3 times already. I will update on thrusday how my stint at hospital went, hope it helps recover my hand, keep ur fingers crossed of the working hand and pray for me.




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  • 4 months later...



i have been using the bioness h200 since i stroked in november2005. it helps with tone alot and gets my hand to grasp and release itoo was a ginea pig when i was inpatient and have used it since on an outpatient basis good luck i hope your resukts are as good as mine have been :happydance:


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Tom, thanks for the site, perhaps they must be contacted in order to get the price of their product, I didn't see anything about prices.


I'm guessing it's in or near the same price as the other devises that does the same kind of therapy. Maybe one day some of those clinics will filter into Texas for their trial markets.

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They are totally different concepts, the saeboflex is a brace that works off of springs to help with grasp and release exercises, where the bioness, has electrodes built into that works on the same principal as an e-stim machine, which is to shock those muscles that are used to open your hand and hopefully some brain retraining can be done.I hope this helps!

God Bless,


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I just saw a piece on the news about Bioness H200 as a great device for stroke patients. I just called the company -- MEDICARE DOES NOT COVER THIS. What gives with these insurance companies? Don't they understand the more a person can do for himself the less he has to tap into the system for help ????


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Medicare could probably care less. They pay so many fraud cases for wheel chairs and other equipment, I'm surprised they don't require each person to prove in front of them that the item they want is needed.


The Bioness seem to be a good and needed piece of equipment needed by a lot of stroke survivors. My neuro doc wouldn't sign the prescription, saying he didn't think I needed it. I don't even have 10% use of my affected arm and hand.

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I just e-mailed the man in NY who did a piece on it for the news, and told him that Medicare doesn't approve the device, and maybe he could do a piece on how Medicare doesn't approve devices that could alter people's lives !!!!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

My mother will probably be trying the Bioness -- her doc wrote out a prescription to try it.

My mother has been using the Saeboflex for over 1 year, and it helped alot. The good thing about Saeboflex is that it is covered by MEDICARE.

My mother's biggest problem is the weakness in her left hand, which makes it very unfunctional. Has anybody had success with regaining strength in their affected hand?


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  • 2 weeks later...



Did you ever get to try the bioness 2000? I think it's now called the ness H200 by the same firm. If so, let us know the results you experienced and would you recommend it for others? It's in this months stroke connection magazine offering a free video. :scooter:

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hey scooterman:


I stopped my bioness 2000 thingy didn't work well with me, first of all my hand is 2 tight, and therapist was one of the looser of the lot, whole time would be so negative, I was happy when we decided to give it a break for while, when I go again I will ask price and PM you


sorry I m kinda not very familiar with message board I loose my posts all the time, so I stick with blogs




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My mother went on Wednesday to Kessler's Rehab in NJ (very well reknowned facility) to try the Bioness. We were unimpressed. Firstly, the therapists said that they personally preferred the Saebo. They felt it did a very good job as far as strength and cooridination. The therapists there also were very conscious of the price of Bioness, and how it is NOT covered by most insurance companies, and therefore were steering their patients to try the SAEBOFLEX, which is covered by many insurance companies, including MEDICARE. The therapists were very impressed with the SAEBO because it won lots of awards. Additionally, they were having problems with the battery with the Bioness, which failed as my mother was trying it. Apparently it does not hold a charge for very long. So, all in all, if your insurance does not cover the Bioness, try the Saebo....


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I'm with you try the Saebo, logically speaking it makes more sense to me any way, the bioness is essentially

just an e-stim machine built into a brace.and like you said medicare and most private insurance companies cover the saebo

God Bless,


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Sandy Firn,


We have another Sandy on site too, you will probably get to meet her in chat or read her post/replies or blogs.


You will have to go on their site or call to get the actual price. We have been stating prices but I'm not sure of the cost or even if insurance covers them.


BTW, welcome to the site, glad you are reading in the many Forums and posting or replying. We are glad to have you here and hope to offer help and more understanding of strokes and caregiving.


You can introduce yourself in the newbie Forum so we know who you are, caregiver or survivor. I'm sure I will be replying to your post, I consider myself a Newbie greeter when they introduce themselves.

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The bioness and the Saebo are two totally different concepts, As to which one works best there is no way to answer that question, since no two strokes are the same, What works for one person may or may not work for another, so the only way to answer that would be it is an individule basis. I personaly am using the Saeboflex, it cost $935.00 Medicare paid 80% of that and my secondary insurance paid the other 20%.

God Bless,


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