Feldenchris, does anyone have experience

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i understand that Feldenchris isa method where thbe undamaged half of the brfain can take over 4 the damaged partsb of the other half of the brain. i'm tryhing it,m and it seems pretty unconventiponal 2 me. do you knol anything about it?


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I have the same questions as Tom but also what is it? Can you explain it? :uhm: rose

I have had my husband (stroke 11/2001 at age 55) in the care of a therapist who uses the Feldenkrais method. It has been a blessing as he has shown improvement where other therapies have not. It seems to me that it is a brain patterning method and uses visualization and encourages muscle menory. He has become for confident in his balance and walking, stands straighter and is trying to recover his golf swing.

You can get the book from Amazon and names of therapists from the Feldenkrais Guild through the internet. Don'[t know if medicare covers this as we did this on a private pay basis. This therapy is effective even 5 years post stroke . Get the book and try it for your self. The instructions are easy to use and what do you have to lose. Maybe this will help someone :cheer: else.


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  • 2 weeks later...

i don't really know much. i'm doing it because i don't have anything to loose. it was referred to me by my physologist, and the feldencreis practitionare i go to says it often takes a long time, he didn't know if it would work, but had seen some amazing things. he's been at it 4 24 years. he wasn't very encouraging, to say the least, but what the heck...





can you pls give us info as to how much feldenchris your hubby's ther'pst ,vs stregnth training, uses. i had , i think, 3 strokes from 88 to 03, and now am 59. also,, what cond'tn was your hubby in when he had his stroke.

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  • 2 weeks later...


His stroke was termed a basal lacunar infarction on the left side of this brain and affected the right side of his body. Not total paralysis but seemed like stiff muscles. Only in hospital 3 days and then home. Had out patient p/t ,o/t and speech therapy. Prior to stroke was overweight, big smoker (3 packs a day), major drinker (owned a bar) and very stressed. Only outlet was playing golf six days a week. Did doctors for check-ups and etc and always told to stop smoking, loose weight and cut back on the drinking. In one ear and out the other. After the stroke and being threatened with divorce stopped smoking which I feel was a major cause of the stroke.

NOw we do Feldenkrais and water areobics in the winter months in Florida and strength training and cardio in the summer in NC mountains. Trainer here is pushing the golf swing and balanced stance.

I hope this helps. It is a long tough road.

Have you tried using Sony Playstation games (Texas Hold'em poker) to work the hand muscles. Seems to work real well here. Also computerized chess game that can be played by one person and work the small motor hand muscles too.

Good luck.

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  • 6 months later...

I have looked at several books on Feldenkrais Method, but these are not very readable, including the books by Dr. Feldenkrais himself. I am still trying to understand the main principles behind this Method: How, What, Why. If you happen to know of any good book on the subject, please let us know.

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  • 1 month later...

Ever heard of The Sensory Trigger Method? This is a new cross-training technique for speech recovery. You can read about it http://www.strokefamily.org I know some about the Feldencrist method and I've heard it has value for some people. I think getting a book on it at your library, maybe Interlibrary Loan would have it. I understand it depends on the skill of the instructor. Another thing is called Brain Gym. That is related to this too and might be more accessible.


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  • 1 month later...

I know Jean Kirshenbaum used it and thinks highly of the method. PM her at jkirshenbaum.


Lin- I did Alexander training, not Feldenkreis

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been doing therapy with a certified Fedenchris instructor for 2 days a week for 3 months now. The tone/spasticity has greatly reduced in my left foot&leg. I know new things to do on my own to reduce the tone also. It has been almost 7 years since my stroke & this therapy is unique but I say don't knock it until you've given it a fair shot. It is unlike the traditional or old school therapy. Good luck


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  • 3 months later...
It helped Heidi and she did it because she had a stroke. I will email her and ask her to visit this thread.


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