Chat directions


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Sorry, but I dont know, its on my computer and I just open it and type! 

The easy way is to look at the opening of this page where there is an article about 'chat'. Just following the instructions there should get one started.

We had a good crowd of 5 on this morning, one had to be quick to get heard.!



Edited by Deigh
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Good to hear someone is using chat Deigh. In the late '90s it was so busy on Friday nights in the "Coffee shop", a room only used on Fridays, that the posts reeled up too fast to read . Those were the days of Host Denny who was a legend on here.

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Got to admit that it is a bit of a struggle these days. Some days I log on and no-one joins me. Recently we had six chatters on at the same time but this is a record.


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  • 1 month later...

I thought I'd have a go at joining the forum as a new member using a spare name and address. I cant find out how to get started! Has anyone else tried this?

Difficulty may show why we have few new members.



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I totally failed, cant find a means of application! Can anyone help me here?


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