Michael J. Fox Takes on the Stem Cell Research Debate

Guest hbrumfield

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"My own feeling is that lots of different approaches should be tried simultaneously because we don't know which ones are going to be the most successful. So we have to push on all fronts," the paper's author said.


I couldn't agree more.


I think a lot of people don't realize that the United Methodist Church, the Episcopalian Church and the Presbyterian Churches all support Embryonic Stem Cell Research.


The Church of Latter Day Saints does not oppose embryonic stem cell research and has traditionally favored bio-medical research.


All branches of Judaism and Islam also support embryonic stem cell research.


I like the notion in judaism that healing the sick has the highest priority, and the LDS notion that ensoulment begins at implantation in the womb. Senators Gordon Smith, Orin Hatch and Arlen Specter are a few of the staunchly religious Pro-Life legislators who are strong Champions of Embryonic Stem Cell Research.


If more people realized that their religion supports embryonic stem cell research ( except of course catholics and baptists), we would not have a problem with this cutting edge science which simply involves the recycling of cells that are being discarded anyway during the course of in vitro fertilization procedures.


Let's all support this life-saving medical revolution!




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