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When I came home after my stroke, I found myself in the unfortunate position of paying full price for my medications. It was costing my husband and I $325.00 a month for my much needed meds. My state disability pretty much went to that. When I exhausted my state disability I was waiting to hear from social security on disability approval. My husband was footing all the bills plus we had a disabled daughter who has alot of medical expenses as well. Times were and are tough but somehow we have and are making it even with me and this stroke thing. But I worried about the costs of my meds especially while I was no longer receiving state disability and waiting on social security. I had no type of income coming in and our savings was getting drained.And my wonderful husband kept telling me not to worry but I did. Well I kept seeing that Montel Williams tv ad for the PPA (Partnership for Precription Assistance). I called them and had a quick interview with the phone representive. She just asked what meds I took and said all my meds pretty much fall under a program where I can get some free or at a good discount. The discount amount varied depending on the medication. This is a program where doctors and patient advocacy organizations are working with America's Pharmaceutical Companies to make medicines available to patients who cannot afford them.It provides them and their caregivers with a single, easy to access source for the application materials needed for enrollment. And they send you the appropriate applications you need pertaining to your meds so you are not filling out unneccessary paperwork. That is why they ask you what types of pills you take. I have received the application packet and it is not scary at all. Very simple. But while I was on the phone with the representative, she also gave me info on other additional assistance programs that I could either call or access through the internet. Now these programs also give discounts and also team up with certain pharmacies to give you discounts. I went online and signed up for one, filled out the easy, simple question (they don't ask anything personal) and I was able to print out a card right there and then.The only thing they asked for that was in any way personal was an email address. They also give you a list of participating pharmacies.Plus they give you info on things you can save additional money like glasses, teeth whitening,nutritional supplements, etc. I took my card to the pharmacy and my meds that costs 325.00 only cost me 99.00. The next time it was 70.00. Talk about a saving!I now save over $200.00 a month on my meds. Awesome! And it is not even insurance prescription. It is a program where I have a co-pay. And you only have to bring the card once to the pharmacy. They will enter it under your name on the computer.I urge any patient or caregiver who needs financial help with precriptions to call the PPA associated with Montel Williams because he wants to help and it sure helped me. The program I signed up for on the internet is You get an assigned number, print it out and use right away. To call PPA: 1-888-477-2669 or visit their web Other programs:


eSun Patient Card:866-662-1351/FREEDRUGCARD.US:866-410-4225/Pfizer Pfriends:888-791-5277/Rx Outreach:800-769-3880/Xubex Phsrmaceutical Services:866-699-8239. It would really be best to call the PPA number first because they can tell you which one of these programs cover what meds.And they can tell you which ones you have to call by phone or just go to their website. The initial call itself took only 20 minutes. Or take care of it in the all-in-one application packet from PPA. Seriously, make the call for yourself or a loved one.Send me a PM if you have any questions and I'll try to assist you the best I can. :cheer:P.S. It costs nothing to join these programs!

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It is my absolute pleasure to share any knowledge I have that will benefit others! Your welcome Donna.

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great news phoenix, you sure did your research. i am sure it will be helpful to many people. i am on a medicare drug plan, thank goodness, i do know how out of whack presc/drugs are now. thanks for sharing.



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