Cymbalta for pain


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Hello All,

I have severe CPS that affects my whole right side. I am taking 2,700mg a day of Gabapentin (Nuerontin). This helps a lot, but I am still suffering badly. My neuro does not want to give me a higher dose. She says I

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hi al, i am sorry to hear you are in so much pain. i truly hope that the meds help you to obtain some comfort. hang in there and keep us posted,please.

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Hi Al -

Just my two cents and is about all it's worth:

Yes, I am on Cymbalta to help with the pain - I was also on Neurontin but it did nothing so my doctor switched me to Lyrica because I have some nerve damage from the stroke. I don't know if this is imilar to what you are experiencing (I hope not!) but if it is then you may want to ask your dovtor if some of the pain could be to nerve damage - if your doctor has no answers then you could(insurance or Medicare providing) you could ask to go to a pain management specialist.

Godd luck and I hope the Cymbalta does help.


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I am on cymblat.. it also helps to "re-set" your internal sleep cycle. Before I was wakinf every 2 hours.. llike lock work. I now sleep thru most of the ngith.. ( wake up o use the bathroom) but crawl back in bed and go right back to sleep.


It helps me with the CPS.. not totally 100%, but it seems to be less severe and does go away for periods of time. It seems to have helped a lot with the claf muscle pain. I rearely get the feeling now that 2 vices are clamped on my legs.


I sincerely hope you get relief ..

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My husband has been on Neurotin for the past 3 years. He really suffers with neuropathy in his legs and feet. Of course his diabetes does not help this.


About 6 weeks ago his neurologist also started him on Cymbalta 30mg. He was at that dose for 2 weeks and she increased it to 60mg. This drug has made a big difference. His pain has greatly decreased and so has the amount of Percocet he takes.


I hope it will do the same for you..................


Kim :)

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I was on cymbalta but more for the anti-depressant side of it, altho' we were hoping it would help the neuropathy in my feet too. I have been on paxil. The cymbalta made me more fatigued than I already am and didn't help the neuropathy. I must admit I maybe didn't stay on it long enough to get the full benefit..I was on 30 mg for a month and 60 mg for 10 days before I talked to my dr. and I switched back to paxil and am taking a little higher dose. I stroked 13 months ago so am new at all of this. Has anyone had increased fatigue from the cymbalta?




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I am on cymbalta now too. It is taking the edge off the pain, but I am having bizarre dreams. My dr. says that it can cause weird dreams. I am learning to live with them... anyone else having strange dreams?

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I also take neurontin, 300 mg twice a day. But something that is even better for me is lamictal

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I tried Cymbalta for a while, along with other anti-depressants, and before I could find out whether Cymbalta would help with my CPS, I had to stop it as it was making me depressed. It seems I have a paradoxical reaction to anti-depressants, so I can't take them.


My CPS isn't as severe as yours, so I have learned to live with it. I get the shooting pains, both sides and the burning skin sensation is nearly constant, but better at times than others. I would be interested in Lyrica as I've heard of studies about how it works with patients having Fibromyalgia. It's going to have to wait for the moment, however.


I had some very bizarre dreams while on Cymbalta, and being that I have rarely remembered dreams at all in my lifetime, I found the dreams a rather unpleasant side effect.



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I am feeling better with the Cymbalta. No where near back to normal, but bearable. But that is the goal of treatment, to make it bearable. As I am adjusting to it my sexual side effects are going away. Now that is a relief.

As for Neurontin, my 2nd Neuro knew I had CPS, but was not up to speed with treating it. He also had me on 300mg twice a day. This is not even the minimum dose recommended by the manufacturer, which is 300mg 3 times a day. My new Neuro explained that Neurontin does not metabolize (it goes in one end and out the other) in your system so you need to keep a constant even supply in your system. This is done with a dose every 8 hours. I would have your Neuro up you to the three times a day so that you get the full effect from the drug. I now take 900mg three times a day.

Bob, are you taking anything for your CPS?



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