Frano's Blog

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At work, bored I hate my job

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my job sucks

:head_hurts: I am feeling so down my new desk at work is so unchallenging it leaves me feeling constantly drained and useless. I was formerly a sales representative now I'm in administration basically co-ordinating in house info for the reps who are out in the trade.I guess being so close to where I'm coming from gives me a constant reminder of what was. Not to mention that this desk comes with a 45% pay cut :head_hurts: All in all at least I still have a paying job in that sense I'm grateful



my job sucks

:head_hurts: I am feeling so down my new desk at work is so unchallenging it leaves me feeling constantly drained and useless. I was formerly a sales representative now I'm in administration basically co-ordinating in house info for the reps who are out in the trade.I guess being so close to where I'm coming from gives me a constant reminder of what was. Not to mention that this desk comes with a 45% pay cut :head_hurts: All in all at least I still have a paying job in that sense I'm grateful



still feeling low

I really ,really am unenthused with this job went for interview with a co. I worked for previously they did not give the job as they viewed my health as too high a risk.Bummed out as I think the risk factor was my call to make would not have applied if I thought so. All I can Do in my mind is keep trying. I've sent out a few more applications don't think it will do to hide my illness dd condider it for a while though. Basically feelling overwhelmed by emotions today and I guess I'm feeing

