4mom's Blog

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Back again

The weekend is really a good time for me to take time out for me. I get to sit at the computer and relax for a little bit. Thanks to all that have replied. I really appreciate you taking time out to give me your thoughts and encouragement.   First of all I will shed some light on my family situation.   My parents were married for 31 years and have been divorced for about 10 years. They were married very young, 16. They began dating at 13 years old. They never really acted so much like



Tough week

Well I haven't been able to work on my blog much lately. It has actually been a tough couple weeks. My whole house had the flu. Everyone recovered pretty quickly except for my son. He is four and the poor kid must have a weak immune system. He gets everything and anything especially the wierd stuff. He had the flu and then it turned into a viral infection that decided to show itself in his mouth. His mouth broke out in canker sores all over his gums and lips. His poor gums swelled over his teeth



Thought I would give this a try

Well I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while now. I just haven't been taking much time out for myself lately. I have not been very active on the board recently and I really miss it. I am 28 soon to be 29. I have a 4 year old son named Tristen and have been married for 9 years. My mother had her brainstem stroke almost 2 years ago at the age of 55. Like most it was a complete shock to my family. Our worlds were turned upside down. I became her caretaker as she requires 24 hour

