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About this blog

My experiences with Diabetes and as a stroke survivor.

Entries in this blog

Progress-that's what it's all about

:bouncing_off_wall: I have been wanting to write on my blog for such a long time now, but my lack of computer skills has prevented me from doing so. However, now I am doing so and today I' like to talk about progress. Progress is something vital to our recovery from stroke.   When I first started going to therapy, I decided that by hook or by crook I would walk again. My stroke was not debilitating in the sense that my mind or speech were affected. They were not. However, being diabeti

Ricardo W. Herrero

Ricardo W. Herrero

Positive Attitude-A key to getting well?

[font=Arial When I was in my hospital bed in August 2005, when I had my 3rd sttroke, my attending physician sent the hospital psychiatrist because my attending doctor feared that I might go into depression. When the psychiatrist arrived, she began to talk to me and in the course of our conversation I said, with my fists banging the hospital bed. "I will walk again, Doctor!! Etch that in stone. I will walk again!!" She took a long look at me and said, "Subas (my nickname) with an attitude like t

Ricardo W. Herrero

Ricardo W. Herrero