EvRi1' Blog

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Ev(elyn) + Ri(ck) = EvRi1

Entries in this blog

What's he Point?

I used to ask myself, "Why am I even alive?" on a regular basis.   Then, one day I remembered an inspiring animated story that I had seen years earlier about a young child named Oblio. The villagers didn't approve of Oblio because everyone else had a pointed, cone shaped head. Oblio was the only person in the village that didn't. His head was round. So, the villagers banned Oblio to the pointless forest. Time went by. Then one day Oblio returned to the village.   He was asked, "Have



More to Come???

I don't know anything about a blog, but want to write in hopes that others may learn from my experience! I've read that a blog is a day-to-day diary. That is not at all what I have in mind. I hope that what I'm doing is okay! I will continue posting occasionally until I am told to quit, get a lot of negative feedback, run out of things to say or am no longer able to say them. I don't want to offend anyone!!!   I tore my vertebral artery in 1994 and had a TIA. I never even knew it until

