Lin's Musings

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Trip to ER

This blog was set invisble by the blogger herself. She got a new user name and new blog. ----------------------------------------------------------   For three days now I have had a headache which comes and goes. Normally I hardly ever get headaches. Being a stroke survivor I was worried. Yesterday I phoned my doctors office and spoke with her nurse. My doctor was not in the office so she said she would speak with another and call me back. The doctor on call said that I shouldn't worry. Her




Returned Wednesday from a weeklong road trip. We made three stops. Springfield, IL to visit the new Lincoln museum (the one which opened in April); Columbus, KS to visit my nephew, his wife, her son, his dog, her dog, and her cat; and Little Rock, AR to visit the Clinton library.   The Lincoln museum is great. They have used 21st century technology to explain the 19th century. I learned some things. Lincoln changed his perspective on slavery. Like most of the country at the time he initially



100 List

100 Things About Myself.   1. I was born in downstate Illinois. 2. I lived in the same house for the first 18 years of my life. My family still owns it. 3. I was born 7 weeks premature, 4. My parents were called to pick me up from school when I was in second grade. I had thrown a temper tantrum because it was time for math and I wanted to study English (or visa versa) 5. I grew up on a farm. 6. I was a member of 4-H for 10 years. 7. I once had a calf as a pet. 8.

