RonA's Blog

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A Caregiver's Journey

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What a Big Difference

I recently stumbled across yet another device that can make a huge difference in the daily lives of stroke survivors and their caregivers. This one is called Shower Buddy and it is a high-quality, well designed product that makes bathing easier and safer for people with mobility problems. My wife is one of those people. She had been growing increasingly anxious about bathing and as result my own anxiety level climbed as well. We were starting to dread bath times and our stress load grew heavier



Another Unexpected Change

My wife and I recently learned that she can no longer have a mammogram because of the disabling effect of her right-side ischemic stroke. Her left arm is too rigid to be positioned so that a mammogram can be performed. The good news is, she's now 70 and our doctor says that at that age mammograms aren't really necessary. While that is good to know I can't help but wonder about younger woman. Are they left to just roll the dice or what? I'm told that an MRI can be used to examine breasts and is a



Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Stroke Patients

I wonder if any of you have experience with or knowledge of hyperbaric oxygen treatment, or HBOT, for stroke patients. I have run across a fair amount of information about it and though usually cynical about such things I have become quite interested. It involves putting patients in pressurized chambers and having them breathe pure oxygen for 90 minutes per session. It usually takes at least 40 consecutive sessions, at $100 each, to complete the treatment and insurance won't cover it. The theor



Seeking Information

We are looking into buying a Myomo robotic arm brace for my wife, whose left arm was left useless by a stroke in October 2013. I wonder if anyone here has any experience with or knowledge of this high-tech device. Also if you have any insights into price I would love to hear them. My wife has been evaluated and found to be a suitable candidate for the Myomo. It is my understanding that insurance rarely covers this product and Medicare, which is my wife's insurer, NEVER does. Just fishing for k



Getting Wiser About Medication

For some time now, Dorothy has been groggy a lot. At first I thought it was simply part of the post-stroke phase but as time wore on I began to suspect other causes, especially medication. Her rehab doctor has never taken the initiative to reduce or elminate any of her drugs though he has increased the dosage of one. I am not drug-phobic but I do think that drugs need to be reviewed periodically and if possible reduced or eliminated as conditions change. After all, prescription drugs are powerfu



A Small Step Forward

Yesterday Dorothy got her custom AFO hinged. Her doctor and her orthotist decided it was time. It seems that her impaired foot and leg had recovered enough to allow for the hinge to work. With the AFO now more flexible, Dorothy's foot and leg muscles will get more exercise from the flexing and that, in turn, should produce more recovery over time. Here's hoping. Interestingly the first sign that her foot had recovered came from pain. All of a sudden the foot was trying to do things it had not



And So Here We Are

Dorothy and I always expected to someday be geezers, confined to rocking chairs, sipping good wine and coasting through the twilight of our lives while basking in the afterglow of wonderful memories acquired over many years of marriage. We had been quite young when we got married by a city hall justice of the peace and despite all odds managed to stay together for more than 50 years. They were years of growth and accomplishment. We were working-class kids with dreams and ambitions that for the m

