I thought I would write more often, but this seems to be the pace.
I stopped going to our Older Persons Center (OPC) where I would work out on the rehab exercise machines. I was trying to see if I could get off Ambien and get my head to quit hurting all the time. It is so tiring. So far no luck. I went to a new neurologist last month who specializes in chronic head aches to see if there is another approach. She has me on Pamelor which is supposed to make you sleepy. Not me, j
The hospital where I went when I had my stroke and spent a couple weeks on the rehab floor had their annual rehab "party". I thought it may be a little lame but it was really nice. I didn't see any who was there when I was as a patient but I got to see a lot of the nurses, aids, doctors. I think they like to see how far everyone had come. It must feel pretty good to see the help you gave others.
I was able to express my gratitude to those who really helped me. My OT was really
I've been reading others blogs and really get a lot of enjoyment from them. I figure they are really helpful so thought I would try my own. Read if you want.
I'm now about 8 months post stroke. Many things are looking up, but there are still a bunch of issues.
I am lucky compared to some in that I didnt' get any paralysis. I am very weak though and get reminded of it all the time.
In my town we have what we call the Older Person's Center (OPC). In there we have lots of a