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What happened to the old ways



A few weeks ago I found a radio site that has a station that plays the old radio shows my parents listened to when they were young, like the Shadow Knows. Lately it has got me thinking where did the old ways go to.


I remember a day, like I figure a lot of you do, when if you needed help you could count on friends and family to come to the rescue without worrying about what was in it for them. Now you can't hardly count on any one unless they are compensated for there time.


Just a good example. My sister's husband and I have always been close. I can remember many a night he would be working on his house and would call for help. Several times I was at there house helping him put in an outside wall up with a flash light for light. The company I worked for at the time moved me 2 hours away, now we do our various projects alone. I sure do miss those days. Guess I am just in a reminissing mood tonight.


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Mike: I too remember that. My Mom was one of eight. They were all so close. If an Aunt or Uncle said "jump"; you'd better say "how high." Neighbors helped my Dad build our house and also took care of us when my Mom was delayed in coming home with her last babies. The twins came home, but no Mom.


I grew up with 47 first cousins and we were always together. But times certainly have changed. My own brother, who as children we were inseparable, now has seen us twice in 2 1/2 years and he only lives 15 miles away.


So many of our children were raised in two working parent homes, lots of relocation and not to mention the infamous electronics.


No one helped friends and neighbors more than my Bruce. He grew up having only himself to depend on and therefore learned many skills that others did not have. He would go off with the tools he needed in a paperbag, return home hours later. I am still finding those paper bags. One day I will get them all together and then he will have the task of organizing his big tool box, lol.


I too am disappointed. But even my own best friend hasn't been here in months. She calls and Emails and I know I can call her anytime for anything, but where is she? And if that is true, I certainly have no right to question Bruce's friends.


Our lives change in so many ways, putting distance at times with those we care about the most. I too miss those days and often wonder where I slipped up because things are never just one way. I take what I am offered. Am still surprised at those who make an effort-like Bruce's work friends, who would have thought that? Just try to be thankful for those moments we are given and just let the rest slide. Best, Debbie

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Mike, we lived in a neighbourhood where everyone was struggling and of course my Dad particularly helped out when anyone needed extra hands to raise a frame or install a window. Unfortunately once the house is built the people huddle inside and don't look outside to see who else needs a helping hand.


Just love your neighbour by helping out wherever you can. Reaching out is something we all need to do however dire our own situation.



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It's the same here Mike. Whether it be neighbors, church, relatives or friends, those days are gone. People just don't get involved or "help out" like they use to. When my neighbor's tree fell on his driveway a couple years ago, Larry was the first to go out the next freezing a.m. to help him. To this day, he has not come over once to see Larry. His wife has helped me, however, but you'd think he would come and say "hello". That's the way it is.



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I would like those good old days back. Peopel can still change. But, life is too personal now. People do not want to get involved.


I wish that all of us lived closer together in a community. It would be awesome.




I hope that Kitty is getting better.

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Ruth had a wonderful idea. We will find a sponsor with some big bucks, buy one of those self-sustaining communities: Fair sized Condos, all handicapped assessible-designed by Caregivers and Survivors, not some architect who thinks they know; cars on the outside. Carts, WCs, Scooters only inside. Our own bank, grocery, cleaner, library, museum, computer center, pool, good size gym that again is designed by Stroke families, a good Clinic. Wouldn't that be grand! We'd have our own Commune so to speak-lol.

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Mike - what I wouldn't give for an oldies radio station! I too was raised with cousins by the dozens and yet no one but my mom calls to check on Sam. His own children don't even call, which really depresses me... I think he has gotten used to that over the 20+ years we have been married. Wish we could have the commune of Debbie's dreams - we all have so much to give and there are so many who need it.. Give Kitty and Rosemarie a hug from me - I keep you guys in my prayers.



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If you have a good internet connection the site is radiotuna.com and the station is am1710 antioch. Seems like I have it on 24/7 anymore. Better than tv if you ask me.

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Ruth had a wonderful idea. We will find a sponsor with some big bucks, buy one of those self-sustaining communities: Fair sized Condos, all handicapped assessible-designed by Caregivers and Survivors, not some architect who thinks they know; cars on the outside. Carts, WCs, Scooters only inside. Our own bank, grocery, cleaner, library, museum, computer center, pool, good size gym that again is designed by Stroke families, a good Clinic. Wouldn't that be grand! We'd have our own Commune so to speak-lol.

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