Sharing stuff with family and friends.... online...
I'm kind of frustrated with a couple of folks right now.
They're not stepping in AT ALL to help, and worse yet they're telling Steve that he is OK, *and* they're telling me not to post things online about Steve and the effect his dementia and strokes is having on my life. Because it "isn't anyone else's buisness."
WTF? Seriously.
I'd like to say this to them
"C'mon people, you aren't here dealing with the day-to-day stuff. Also, since Steve is still (for the next couple of weeks) driving, and he is confabulating quite a bit.... how in the world are you folks supposed to get ACCURATE information about him - your brother or dad - without checking with me?
Dealing with Steve's issues is isolating me from my friends, so.... ya... I'm gonna reach out online and post stuff."
But I am a wuss so instead I'm sharing here. Online. :p
I shold add that what I DO post online about Steve, if it is personally tracable back to Steve and not semi-anonymous, is filtered heavily so that only close personal friends and a few select family members can read it. It isn't like I'm broadcasting personal stuff all over the internet. And those are *exactly* the people who need to know what he heck is going on!
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