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I Can't Believe It!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Since I have only 4 days till my husband returns home - I started thinking yesterday of a schedule and how I was gonna get everything done. So I planned out my week and by Friday I should be ready..........UNTIL...................


After lunch today I was going to go to the pharmacy to get things that my hubby will need. So I grabbed my keys, my wallet and the baby, went out to the car, put my wallet on the roof of the car and the baby in the car seat. Shut the car doors - got into the car and drove off..................Not realizing that my wallet was still on the roof of the car until I got to the pharmacy. nono.gif So I backtracked home, looking.................and when I got home - retraced my travels - no wallet to be found. So I called the bank, called the credit card companies - got everything cancelled - oh by the way - also missing is my license, social security card, EMT license and CPR certification. So this day got off on the wrong foot - and of course I didn't get to the pharmacy after all. So I will add this errand to Tuesdays things that have to be done.


Maybe this is a sign - I Need to Slow Down...................... uhm.gif


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