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Update - 5 days home



It's been difficult. Not being with my husband everyday of the week has made me not realize how badly his strokes have effected him. I know when I would go to the home I would get frustrated with him and now realize that he is very disabled. Along with the left sided paralysis - he has no upper body strength, he can really do nothing for himself - I assist him with everything - including eating. I completely bath him - the only thing he can do is take the wash cloth and wash his face. He even has a difficult time assisting in rolling from side to side.


I can't believe he is like this. After his 2nd stroke - he was doing so well in the hospital with PT - this nursing home really left him go down hill. He can no longer do what he was doing in the hospital. My husband is "total care."


He is eating non-stop and I don't know where that is coming from.


Today I finally got the medication issue straightened out with the pharmacies. The pharmacy for the nursing home never discharged Chris. When our local pharmacy went to fill his meds the insurance would not allow the meds to be filled.


The physical therapist did his eval on Tuesday and said that the best results are achieved 6 wks after the stroke. The fact that Chris was just left lay in the NH has really hurt him. Occupational therapy is coming on Thursday - Chris can't even feed himself properly.


So he has a very long way to go and I pray that he will make some improvement.


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