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Peg tube tiem



dan has lost enough weight that the docs are getting "concerned" ------ i was hoping at some point dans issue of not eating and drinking would resolve itself..Guess not... so the nuerologist is recommending it and dan consented to it for her..so now surgical consult still have to call and get that set up..the nuerologist is hoping this will help with the incredible pain he experiences in his stomach - she feels like if could get adequate hyderation via g tube it will start to resolve..of course all the other pain he has not much to be done... the nueropathy he experiences can be so painfull his daily complaint is "ache", "ache"... and then we have the move coming up..this will be interesting- to say the least......


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Nancy, I'm probably the only one that doesn't know what a peg tube is, is it a stomach tube down the nose? I'm so glad the doctors are FINALLY noticing he is endangering himself, instead of just saying his 'weight' is ok. I hope this helps his stomach to feel better. If not, is he taking a blood thinner that might be giving him an ulcer? Does he take anything for his neuropathy?


I don't envy your move, I'm stuck in the middle of a move that is now 2 years old. Before it couldn't get done because husband was always gone traveling for work, but this year we buckled down and were going to get it on the market for spring. We were on our way to work on it when he had his stroke, so I'm stuck in the middle now. I hope yours actually gets done, I don't know how... maybe you can teach me something...

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a peg tube is a tube that is placed in the stomach allowing for tube feeding directly into the stomach..he actually had one post stroke for about 3 months --- it is a relativley "simple" procedure in terms of surgery.. but if it goes wrong -- it usually goes realy really wrong...... but with dan not being obese it makes the procedure much easier for correct placement..and removal is vey simple... but still it is a surgery and with it carries some risk but so does repeated dehyderation over time....

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I do hope that this resolves some of Dan's problems. Adequate hydration is very important.


You have had a peg tube before so you know the ins and outs of that.


Moving is so hard. I dread the thought of a move. Good luck.



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Nancy, thanks for clarifying the peg tube as I too thought it was in the nose. I hope this resolves things with Dan's eating/drinking. I worry about Larry's weight loss and not much appetite. I practically have to make him eat more.


Good luck with the move and be sure to get lots of help.



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If it has to be done I hope it solves the problem of him not wanting much to eat and losing weight!! Keep us posted Nancy!!

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Nancy :


for once I feel it is easier being survivor than caregiver lol


stroke is hard on every one & its really not for sissies for sure.



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Nancy I really hope this will help Dan with his hydration and weight issues. Mike does not eat much anymore either but he does eat enough to substain himself. Hope all goes well with your move and if I lived close enough I would be more than happy to come help. Keep us up to date on both issues.



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i was just thinking can you imagine not wanting to eat or drink anymore --- one of the most basic pleasures us humans can experience-- and he doesent want to --- nothing tastes good, hurts to eat, hurts not to eat.....

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my name is Bill. after my stroke I couldnt pass the swallow test for 3 weeks and was down in weight from pre stoke of 195 lbs and when I finally pas ed the test and g ot on thicken l iquid then pureee food and finally solid food I was down to 172 lbs I was g iven so much food and was told to eat all of it I tried my best but my stomach had s hunk so much i would eat until i thought I would explode my wife was concerned because my face was gaunt and I had lost muscle mass she requested that i would be given protein powder at every mea l it was mixed in with hot cereal at breakfast and pudding milk or basically whatever they could mix it into. I complied and would eat whatever it was mixed in it didnt take long before I started to gain weight and regain muscle mass in my upper body and eventually I was able to eat more portions of food but stayed on the protein powder for a while to make sure my weight was ok and now 1 yr post stroke I weigh 190lbs i am pretty active an d sometimes to my wifes chagrin i skip lunch my wife said she is going to put me back on protein powder I guess I better behave

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if only dan had the cognition to understand the damage he is actualy doing--- the loss of muscle mass is so important... good for your wife for knowing this and encouraging you... when we do the peg tube he will be given everything till i can get him back on track......

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