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Tooooo Muuuuccccchhhhh going on!!!!



Mike has no therapy now, daughter trying to buy new home, son trying to get into truck driving school, ex husband in hospital, what do they expect of me!!!! I am only one person! You would think that with my youngest child being 26 years old I would not have to talk my offspring through every daily aspect of thier lives!! :jig:


I try to use all my concentration on Mike right now but there always seems to be someone else needing some petty little thing and I have to drop what I am doing and listen to thier needs and run here and there for them at least 3 times a week!


Daughter calls on Monday morning having a fit because her Dad is in hospital and she can't find her brother to tell him. I drop what I am doing and go over to his house and there he is, don't know why she never went there in the first place! Then from that moment on all I hear is what the hospital and doc are saying and wanting to do with him. Like I can do anything about it! I am divorced from him and I really don't care but I listen because he is thier dad. Sounds cruel of me I know :BashHead:. Even Mike wanted me to call and check on him and he cant' stand him! LOL.


Son calls this morning cause he wants to go to CDL school, gonna cost $3,000.00, what can I do about this? I am unemplyed at the moment and can't even feed myself hardly! But again I listen and talke him through what i think he should do and how to apply for help with a grant. :money:


Daughter calls back, she marked the wrong box on loan application and now they want more info on home she is trying to purchase! What can I do?!! Tell her to call and explain, she just rambles :yadayada:and says she will figure out something. THEN WHY DID YOU ASK ME?!!!! :growl:






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You can actually stop being a Mom any time you want...you just have to get your kids to agree they can do it on their own now. I know how all of that feels, it happened when Ray had the strokes in 1999 because, guess what, Mum was now in one spot and they could contact her any time they wanted.


Just give them 20 minutes of your time and then say: "Gotta go, sounds like an emergency happening here" believe me they won't want to come over and help.



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livin the dream babe - livin the dream.............. funny story and true----- my girlfriend had a jerk EX - very wealthy blah,blah ect.. real jerk when it came to child support and she pretty much did like you gave him all to get out..... anyhow time goes on and he gets in a motocycle accident massive head injury --- he wakes and thinks he is still married to her... it had been at least 20 yrs and she had remarried... anyhow the guy with the head injury proceeds to BLEEP all his money down his leg and gets a DUI.. ends up in jail doing time where she is the jail nurse... so he tells all the fellow inmates he is married to her. ( now that was fun to watch play out)..he gets out of jail and his siblings have decided he is crazier than a pet racoon ...... and so they ask my friend if she would be gaurdian of her ex husband..... she is and he lives in a assisted living home in another town ---- but he is very well taken care of---- and she managed to salvage some of his money so he even has a savings and clean underwear.... isent life funny....... you cant make this stuff up

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Sue, I have done that one before LOL but i am affraid to do it too often for fear of it being real. The one thing this stroke has given me is a little more freedom from them as they now understand that I can't just up and leave the house at the drop of a hat so therefore they don't bother me quite as much.


Nancy, your friends situation sounds like the one in Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Have you seen that movie? It is hilarious!!! If you haven't seen it you need to watch it. It will make you laugh your a_ _ off! She is a better woman than I am. He probably wouldn't have clean underwear if it was me!!!

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>Daughter calls on Monday morning having a fit because her Dad is in hospital and she can't find her brother to tell him. I drop what I am doing and go over to his house and there he is, don't know why she never went there in the first place!


-wait... now why did you go over to the house instead of telling daughter to go over? Kids need to tell them moms stuff, but that should not translate into you DOING whatever they are talking about. You are just the sounding board, and the one that tells THEM to go do it!

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Yes, seems they are afraid to do anything without talking to mom about it. A lot of the time they are just using us as someone to vent to. They usually arent the most considerate people on earth either.


I remember when I was griping to my mom about how my daughter called me about everything, she said that I was exactly the same way when I was her age. And looking back on it, she was right about that. Now I WISH I had my daughter to call me about unimportant things every day, and I also wish I still had my mother to talk to about it. I really miss them both so very much.



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