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move --- the M word



well we are here spending our first night at the new place... it is beautiful ---- dan is upset wants to go home..... he understands on many levels what needs to be but also is frusterated with the cost of it all.... me - i figure we havent starved yet and faith has gotten us through this far so i keep reminding myself --- god will take care of us --good or bad ---------- i wish it would have been feasible for me to have built on at the farm, but with each seizure and health crisis dans quality of life was/is diminished..... this will be good- this will be good --this will be good... if i repeat it enough i will belive it.....still tons of work to do out at the farm....a few more non essential items in the basement to move out and then the rest of the place...have not gotten it sold yet---- had some serious lookers and a low offer -- i will see what comes our way...nancyl


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OH MY GOSH! You actually already have it on the market?! We bought our present home in the summer of 2010 and still have not gotten the other place ready to be put on the market. How did you manage to get this far along so ready. Please teach me, I'm an idiot, apparently!

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You gotta have a heart and you gotta trust God cause if we never try anything we will never know then comes the words "I wish I had tried now" by then it's way too late somebody else got it and gone!!! It will work out for all God's children, He can do anything but fail!!!


Sandy, you asked Nancy not me but I gotta say you just need a plan and trust....In God! That's all I ever had, no money for the job but it came along from somewhere! All my help comes from God!!! My mom used to say our help comes from the Hills and I soon found out she was talking about God!!

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all I can say is I agree100% hat you need to trust in God he will provide all your needs my stroke was so massive I know i would have died if it wasn't for all the prayers that were said for me I am Bill don't ever lose faith

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I'm glad you've gotten moved and that you find it beautiful. You've given this a lot of thought and it sounds like you believe it is the right thing to do for both you and Dan. Just stick to your guns on this one and Dan will eventually adjust. It must feel pretty overwhelming to have both a new place to adapt to and a farm to ready for sale. I hope you have some helpers for that task. Take a few minutes every day to just savor the good that this move has brought you. Enjoy the beauty of your new home!



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Hope he comes to his senses soon! I have all the confidence that you are doing what is best for both of you! Keep the faith and stay strong. All will be fine in the end! ((((HUGS))))))



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sandy---- all those curiosity seekers coming to visit sign them up for work..... be prepared to just throw the old and move on... i am having one big garage sale what doesent sell to the dumpground... once i goot started i just keep moving -- my daughter was a huge help.....it was mostly her and i except for heavy stuff then i called some male friends for the heavy stuff and here we are...

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night two went ok -- brought the animals in -- they are NOT happy .. of course they had unlimited freedom at the farm .. but i must say they are not barking or being crazy so thats good..but pacing everywhere and the cat - the one i could find -- the other will show up....the cat just keeps meowing and meowing..wish they made a meow collar like a dogs bark collar. dan seems to be adjusting as well as can be expected..not real happy at all about this but seems to have a understanding that this is what it is.....it is wierd to have a spouse so child like in their wants and needs and the approach i have to take to get him to do what needs to be done...i just feel so sad it all comes to this --- living on the farm was the one thing dan always loved living in town wasent something he even would have considered... just a little remorse although i would not ,could not go back...mantra --this will be good -this will be good...

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It will be good. This will allow better access to what Dan needs, and that is a great thing. Everyone will adjust to the change. Change is a part of life. This is the new reality. We're confident that it will go well. Our prayers are with you always.

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all I can say is I agree100% hat you need to trust in God he will provide all your needs my stroke was so massive I know i would have died if it wasn't for all the prayers that were said for me I am Bill don't ever lose faith

Mine was also so massive that I would be dead if it weren't for all the prayer supportI've received. Every bit of progress I've made has been by the grace of God. I still don't have use of my left arm or hand and may never. What side of your brain was your stroke on? What are your current limitations? Have you struggled with any spiritual issues?
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all I can say is I agree100% hat you need to trust in God he will provide all your needs my stroke was so massive I know i would have died if it wasn't for all the prayers that were said for me I am Bill don't ever lose faith
Mine was also so massive that I would be dead if it weren't for all the prayer supportI've received. Every bit of progress I've made has been by the grace of God. I still don't have use of my left arm or hand and may never. What side of your brain was your stroke on? What are your current limitations? Have you struggled with any spiritual issues?

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i struggle everyday with spiritual issues --- overall i believe all has a purpose---- i believe each of us have individual lessons-- i believe we are loved by god as we are tested......i believe in what will be , will be...... i believe that blessed are the ones who have "blind" faith............. I did not have a stroke my husband did a very severe one -- he is greatly affected we are OK and that in itself is a miracle --- we have several trial and daily tribulations but we do have faith

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Nancy: poor Kira is beside herself. Attached to my hip as we speak - LOL. And we did not move. She is used to being on my lap, with me on the computer every night. Not so the last three weeks. With the Nook, I just sat and read. Then company arrives - does that Man eat little kitties? LOL Why is the shower going upstairs at 7am. And why are Mister's caregivers here at odd hours. And why aren't you in bed? It is amazing how our furred family members remind us that change does not sit well.


As to faith, that is just so individual. I am blessed that I am visited by family in my dreams. I don't see my Dad often, but Mom is there almost every night. Both were extremely spiritual and I think they are there to remind me that I am OK, I am strong and something "higher" has a plan that someday I will be privy to. What I do know is that I am at my most peaceful when I get these visits. Wake up happy, rested and somehow at rest. One of those mornings when you are happy to get out of bed and get the day rolling. Somehow the sun shines more brightly and one just knows one can get through the day. Debbie

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