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My neurologist wants me to be relocated to a desk job. My employer has been fighting against ME in all kinds of ways. They tried to IMPOSE my immediate return to work when I was in no condition to begin. When I exercised my right and stood my ground, they want to bring the case into arbitration. I was not aware that the arbitration process necessitates the presence of my neurologist, so I have had to ask her if she could come to this event. I am very fortunate that she said yes. Now today I get another call from the union rep to say that they are changing the DATE waycon1.gif Now I'm getting a little suspicious and ask her to have the request IN WRITING (like how many times is the date going to change; like it's easy to get a neurologist to attend these things ohmy.gif ) After I said "something" smells fishy in this, the union rep gets very TOUCHY and starts screaming at me, says she doesn't want to work on my case and that her supervisor will be calling me from now on. Ask.gif What's going on here???? uhm.gif I've always suspected that the union and the employer really work together but this is RIDICULOUS! I'm anxious to see how this will unfold. What a DRAGGGGGG fighter.gif

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you suspected it because of a REASON!!! sounds like a consipracy to me. it's a WHOLE lot more than a drag too, it's your livelihood at stake here. i'd stay on those people like white on rice, if i were you. and i can't think of ANY excuse for a union rep to "scream" at an employee.


i think you are lucky to only deal with the supervisor from now on, MAYBE the supervisor has more Experience and can get this matter resolved in a timely and professional manner.



my best

kim pash.gif

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