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Rough Start with bioness (venting)



Today I went to get fitted and and get my bioness registered. I was so excited figuring out how to charge it up lastnight and I woke up at 6:00 this morning from the beep that it was fully charged. The green light was so beautiful to me. It was like now is the beginning "the first day of the rest of my life". I never fell back asleep but instead stretched all morning and wore the splint to keep my fingers straight since I couldn't keep it on lastnight. Unfortunately I had to keep removing it and by the time I got to therapy my fingers and wrist were red from the pain. My experience today was a bit disappointing. Last year when I tested out the bioness, my fingers sprang out after a little stretching. It felt so good but so painful for them to stretch out. Even over the summer when I tried an older e-stim machine my fingers responded pretty good. Although they didn't straighten all the way, they tried pretty hard.


Today, however, I wanted to cry. My fingers barely budged. The bioness rep had it on a low setting and it was just on pulse so perhaps he did not have it adjusted to really open my hand but the rep was kind of discouraging today. He told me things like the purpose of the bioness and he emphasized I probably wouldn't get motor skills back. He suggested I get into therapy or get botox but definitely get back on baclofen or some kind of muscle relaxant. He said I had so much tone he doesn't know if I would really benefit from bioness and I must not have had that much tone when I first tried it last year.


I knew the bioness wasnt going to magically stretch my hand and I knew it would take a lot of exercise but I guess I didn't realize I have such a long way to go. I guess hearing him say the bioness might not be right for me is what really hurt me since the bioness has been my only hope. If it isnt right for me, I don't know what is.

Its just kind of frustrating. I have to possibly get painful botox again. Im already signed up for the supra scalpular injection in my shoulder, in order to get the best result during my trial I need to get back in therapy, AND it looks like Im going to have to get back used to being tired all day since the only medicine I have is the zanaflex.


I met a lady outside while I was waiting to get picked up. She had a stroke in 2002. She gave me her number but I couldn't help but envy her perfectly straight left hand. I asked her how she got her hand back and she said she knew about strokes so she made sure she wore the splint all the time when she was in the hospital. Both she and the rep said I have some contractures in my wrist. Im supposed to use the bioness for 20 more minutes today but right now I just feel mentally exhausted.


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This is just my opinion from what I know you have said on here from time to time!!! Your hand and fingers were rigid for a long time since the stroke!! You didn't exercise it much in the early going therefore your hand was bent down to the point you always wanted to hide your left arm/hand!!


You couldn't clap you hand in church because it was bent down and I told you how I did mine but it wasn't bent as far as yours at the time I don't think!! I told you then don't hide your arm just keep trying to use it little by little!! Then you never wanted to use a brace on your hand and wrist, I sent you pictures of what I was using at that time and you hated braces, remember???


Now just like a brace this bioness will take daily wear and getting used to it in time you will benefit from it but not in one day, week or even a month but over time it will HELP YOUR ARM AND HAND STRAIGHTEN OUT!!! That bone and muscles have adapted to the way you kept it for many years now!! I know you are ranting, that's good, in real time try to use it to help you feel better about your left arm, OK??


When you think about it most things we do start out rough but we are conquerors by nature!!!

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the bioness for the hand is all about daily use. for a long , long time...the rep set it on low cause you cant go from zero to 100 to fast --- follow the program... i think the hand bioness is a lot like a sock - and the fact you have the cognition to use it and do the little adjustments like a person does with your socks when you put them on in the mornings. push here pull there till it fits just right.. dan also has a rubberband that we wrap around the arm part so it has a snug fit ( probabaly a mental thing for both of us) but this product will only give you what you put into it.. so now tough love honey --- put it on follow the program and it will be a while before you see the results.. it begins in the shoulder and works it way down to rehab the hand.. big investment - you can do it !!!

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Katrina :


I am sorry you got disappointed with bioness results, what I have realised that there is no magic pil in getting my hand back, So I work hard on my acceptance, I know I can accomplish everything with just my right hand, & I am not less of a person because my left hand does not work. I can't stop living my life to fullest cause I don't have my left hand working yet.



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Katrina, I know you had high hopes for the bioness and I am sure you are disappointed but please don't give up on it yet. Do everything the rep said; therapy, muscle relaxer, injections, and maybe all together that will make enough difference for the bioness to do the job it's supposed to do. Just because you didn't have the same result as the first time you tried it doesn't mean it isn't going to work. Just know there are many people here rooting for you and praying that you get the results you want so badly to get.



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I am so sorry to hear about your dissapointment. But, you never know. Work the program. It just takes alot of time.


Good luck.


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hi katrina sorry to hear that you are dissapointed wit the bioness but please don"t give up keep on tring itsmay not be the magic pills thsat you were hoping but just remember if at first you don"t succed try try again

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