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uhm.gif i did a BRAVE thing for a forty two year old woman to do. i took a LONG HARD LOOK at myself in A FULL LENGHTH MIRROR, DISROBED. uhm.gifyikes.gif



i haven't had the nerve to do that in over ten years. i decided that if i was going to TRY to "get my old body back", then i had to know what exactly i was up against. it was frightening, but i survived. i figured if i could survive a stroke, then i could survive that kind of potential shock too. lol cocktail.gif



at first i was scared to look. i figured if my husband could stand it, so could i. i pulled no punches as i just DID it, i looked. it wasn't as bad as i had imagined. i do believe that i am still salvagable, with some work, of course. i started this 'i'm gonna get my old body back" routine right after the stroke. i slowly started losing weight rather than fast, cuz i had seen some friends my age "do it quickly" to be thin, oh yeah, but skin hangin' off every where, and a saggy face, to say the least. i'd rather be fat and young looking than thin and old and haggard looking. what a PLEASANT trade off. ohmy.gifohmy.gifnono.gif



it has paid off, my patience and perseverence. luckily, an intestinal illness that landed me in the hospital for a week, has left me UNHUNGRY, a GODSEND!!!!!!!!!! it's better than gastro intestinal bypass surgery!!!!!!! i am NOW, after over a year long struggle, I AM WITHIN 10 LBS OF HIGHSCHOOL WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spoton.gif


FUNNY THING, though, my butt is one inch smaller( go figure) and my bust one inch bigger, and my waist 3 inches bigger. i can't remember the other measurements, so it was a moot point to try and compare. i could SWEAR that my legs are smaller and my arms bigger too. and i AM SURE my nose has gotten bigger. how come every thing SHIFTED??? WHERE DO SOME OF THESE INCHES GO, AND WHY ARE SOME THINGS SMALLER AND SOME THINGS BIGGER??????????? uhm.gif



i am hoping that this new gym i joined can shed some light on the subject. i joined a cardio care gym located at a local hospital with medical staff always on duty. at least if i stroke again, i'll be at the right place. i may never get the old one back, but i will die trying. now that i have gotten SO CLOSE, i might as well go all the way. it certainly couldnt hurt. i will never be satisfied though. thinking back on it, i wasn't satisfied with myself when i WAS in high school. i don't know what makes me think i will be now. happydance.gifhappydance.gifhappydance.gif


it's a goal. sorta, I guess. well, i better go for now. the gym is a waitin, and i'm supposed to be working too. secret.gif i'll work on my mind next, it should prove to be a LOT more work than my body. lol. wish me luck on my "mission". i'll need it.


kim roflmao.gifroflmao.gifroflmao.gif


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I had to laugh and think to myself"I betcha that is what all the guys think!"??? WHERE DO SOME OF THESE INCHES GO, AND WHY ARE SOME THINGS SMALLER AND SOME THINGS BIGGER??????????? What a thing to ponder......

I wouldn't be looking in any full length mirror! I have enough rolls to start a bakery. I think the saying I'm struggling for is "built for comfort, not speed." Good luck in your endeavers at the gym.


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Just what are you trying to say Pam?!? tongue.gif


Good luck at the gym Kim, and don't make the male nurses drool too bad gleam.gif .



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I applaud the ability to look at yourself critically in the mirror. It takes guts.


I want a mirror that's full length AND full width. You have to stand so far away to see all of you in those skinny mirrors, that you miss all the details. Maybe that's the point...

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biggrin.gif Kim, I've blogged about my droopiness (is that a word? - lol) My body at 44 doesn't look anything like the body at 18!


If you can get all the parts looking perky - more power to you!



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It seems to me that gravity is responsible for a lot of our problems in the looks department. So, the simple solution to that is to stand on our heads naken in front of that full-lenght mirror. Upside down, we're all bound to look better bouncesmile.gif



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Yup and as we're all standing on our heads lookiung in the mirror. Lay on your back and put your feet in the air, have someone gently set the scale on your feet and you'll be amazed at what you weigh!!!!!!


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i am an optimist, but i aint CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! i'm not going for 18, i'm going for 30. that's reachable". lol. if i can't get gravity to do it's fair share. no matter how hard i try, that's what god invented "foundations wear for" lol. no one says i have to get NAKED at the class reunion. sure, a few did last time, but i wasn't one of them!!! i'm way too modest for that , even at 18!!!!


so, i've about got the weight licked, and 3-4 months at the gym will probably work wonders, but then i have the hair to worry with. that's a whole 'nother blog in itself!!!!!!! lol it's got to be "big" and fashionable at the same time. it CAN BE DONE!!!!!! lol.



anyway, doing this "makeover gig" has given me something to look forward to no matter HOW much i get made fun of i WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


see ya in the funny papers!!!



kim cocktail.gifhappydance.gifwavey.gif

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Kimmy, I'm not making fun of you! nono.gif I think what you are doing is admirable!


After my stroke the Dr. said no more headstands, handsprings or cartwheels, so I have to give up even Temporary perkyness! flowers.gif



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