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Bethys hives and our lives



Obj I made a rhyme !! Took Beth to the allergist doc and learned a few things..... 80% of all hive breakouts will never have a known cause... Hers because of the fast moving non weeping type and sorta whitish in the middle are known to be seen by the docs in clusters...... Many times they follow a viral illness and can continue for weeks or even months... No real explanation but he was pretty sure her case was similar to the case he seen previously... Oh the other thing he doubted it had anything to do with any environmental issue detergent, animals,cologne ect.... The way to get rid of them is to get rid of them..... Haha. No really a five day prednisone pack.... Basically keep the hives away for a length of time and the hives kinda give up on the activity... Hives beget more hives and vice versa. Old school doc, very frank about everything... Oh yes and guess what STRESS is a huge factor in this.... And what do all us stroke families have in common ? Stress.... Hmmmmm I,m starting to itch..... So hopefully this works.... But she apparently has a lowered immune system not because of illness like mono or HIV... Which is a lot of times when these hives are present , her lowered tolerance is stress..... so on and on we go if it's not Dan it is someone having an issue..... Well our big family goal is simple normal..whatever that is...??? The ability to walk out a door with out thinking, do I have meds, do I have oxy, do I have wipes, do I have extra change of clothes, do I have extra briefs?? will it be cold, is Dan over dressed.. Under dressed..... Is it icey ? Do. I have his cane, his wheel chair, extra napkins, Kleenex, straws, my phone, ..... You all know what I mean ...Dan also has a compulsion to keep different things clean.. So I need wipes always so he can wipe a table or whatever he feels needs to be cleaned.. Other wise he just uses his hand.... And yes I always have lens wipes heaven forbid his glasses not be perfectly clean.... And a grooming scissors... In case a nail or hair needs to be clipped....good thing I had so many kids through the years so I am sorta used to thinking before going..... Even to just a grocery store.... But it is what it is.... That's why although I really don't like a purse I certainly have one ..a big one...


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I was going to write this morning to see how you were all doing. We're going through a psychiatric crisis ourselves, Ray's new doc lowered his meds too much I think and we have an emergency visit this morning, after his foot doctor cuts his toenails. Ray keeps asking to go to the hospital and saying he wants to die. It never ends, does it?

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Nancy: I broke out in hives just last week. My only true allergies are bees (none around in New England in winter and Sasparilla - once used in Root Beer, now banned in the US - alcohol content, but its origin is Palm Tree and the color chips candy-makers use can be imported from China, use fibers in the chips - that was a bummer to find out - LOL). So no home made candy and no bees - what is going on? And yes, strictly stress. This is from work and I won't bother to elaborate, but I know that is what it is from.


The thing with viruses is that Mother Nature designed them to adapt. Bacteria and Protozoa, Fungus - they are higher level, considered life. Easier to manage in that they have depth: need to reproduce, adapt to environment, sleep, eat. Proteins and Viruses are in the grey area. But their job is to adapt. They will get into DNA, change strands to suit themselves and reproduce.


Steriods can be a great choice of therapy. Make them get on a rush, overwork and they can forget their main job. True burnout. But as we have found with Mother Nature, she will not be held down for long. So in addition to the medications, the issues also need to be addressed.


Just a quick tip. I know Dan needs certain things to be comfortable going out. Have you considered packing a schlepp, leave by the door? I used to have two: one for therapy and one for outings. I finally have been able to consolidate into one and then grab either the Hemi or the cane. Every Saturday morning I go through it and replenish.


Last weekend, when we went to my brother's, I checked it out on Friday night with Mary. We have not had an outing like this in a long time and I had to reconsider what I really did need. Finding the Hemi was a hoot, but then I realized we only needed the cane - which is currently holding Flannel shirts to put on him first thing in the morning - LOL. And a Urinal. John's BR is not wide enought for the WC. So even when life falls into a nice, comfortable routine; sometimes I need to regroup. But at least on a day to day basis, our normal jaunts, I know that schlepp has everything we need for a comfortable day out. Debbie

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Stress is so evil! But how can any of us avoid it?


I mostly keep extra of everything we might need when out in the back seat of the car (if it's not in my pocketbook which I should really call it a suitcase) it looks like we're homeless sometimes! But because I always worked on the road, I'm used to having any supplies I might need with me...my territory was the Hamptons and darned if I was going to pick up a bottle of aspirin or bandaids and pay double around there! Used to having snacks and drinks on hand too, which can come in handy. I should take a picture through the back window of the car so you can all have a laugh!

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I always kept a pack in the back of the car containing a shower kit ( for accidents while out) spare clothes ( just a track suit or shorts and a T) like Debbie I had two or three simple bags so just grabbed the one I needed. It is a lot of work to get out but it's better than a padded cell.


Now I travel light, even got a smaller handbag...sigh.



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Nancy, this morning on TV they said the temp in ND I don't know which city was a very cold -57 was that in your area??? if so I know you and Dan wasn't far from a heater or vent blowing out warm heat

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