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Oh yes it got cold up here !!



Yep Fred the whole state was minus fifty more or less for a few days.... We were all snuggled up... Didn't really go anywhere.. Dan refused therapies because of it and his dentist appt.. No biggie..the one plus when it gets so cold it rarely snows...but it does blow.....it is the reason my daughters more or less new Toyota corolla battery went caput... But I guess Toyota puts in dinky ones to begin with, so no surprise and it was covered by warranty....took dans big north face parka out... And his flannel jeans the one day we did venture out...today we had a house full and will continue to have Weston back and forth with his other grandparents as his daycare ladies daughter who has had a rare cancer is having complications of her reconstructive surgery.. The kid is only 16 and all her siblings range in age from 3 on up... So we are considering tKing the youngest so mom can be with the 16 yr old and not stuck at the hospital with the three yr old...that family has been through the mil and back, just as have... And she was always upfront about needing lots of time off and Weston loves the family and they love him....Dan was on a cleaning sprint again, wheels himself around in the wheelchair scrubbing whatever he can with his swiffer. It is Deinatley how he deals with noise and stress of his own...pretty much everyone ended up here today... Fun and weird, I was pooped out by the time everyone left. Even with the cold weather the housing market has gone nuts !!! there used to always be 100 houses or more on the market now it is down to 15 ..... They are still semi affordable but the price is up about 25 percent I would guess.. And the real crunch will begin this summer..... It is 11 pm here and I should go to bed but I need a little me time..even though I will suffer in the morning, as Weston will be here at 630 am. ... And with the cold outside he will be awake and rearing to go... But I do enjoy blogging and keeping me on track of where I have been , and the feedback is great !!! Thanks Nancyl


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What you are doing is just great, paying it forward. There is a lot of satisfaction in helping out when help is really needed. Okay, it will stress Dan out but so it did Ray when I had my grandkids in an emergency. I used to say: "I can't always give you my full attention, there are other members of the family who need my help too" and in a way he did understnad and make an effort not to be demanding.


Now it is paying off for me as I still have a good relationship with my daughter-in-law and with her three children and I go to their place for dinner once a fortnight and love it.


We can't do everything but if we can help out when it is really necessary the memory lingers.



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Thanks Nancy for letting me know that temp was truly what they said. I got chills just thinking it was that cold. That can kill you. It will kill a battery too I have to bring my scooter inside from my car or it will kill that kind of battery also it's just gel cells that can freeze. Same way with a WC battery.


The antifreeze in a car battery only protects to -20. When I was in Alaska we had plug ins for the battery in each stall your car is parked. It's being reported in the news the housing market is up 6 to 15% in some states and new home construction is also up.


I wish you could see all around me they are building on every vacant lot available. A new home is being completed in one or two days after the foundation and driveway is poured. A sign is posted For sale, a day or so later the sign says "Sold". A few more days people are in that house.


We know the soldiers are coming back and buying homes. They are not living in government quarters on the military base like we used to do. And they are buying new expensive cars like Jaguars, Mercedes and Land Rovers.


The sad part is many of them got killed and the wife or husband or parents are buying the homes for the remaining family of wife and kids. That's a good thing in my mind. They didn't die in vein the proceeds are put to life long use..

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Nancy we haven't had anything like that yet but it is still Jan say Canada to someone in the states & all it conjurs up is snow, ice & dog sleds I deal with it better than extreme heat.Unless you have to work outside it really isn't a big deal you leave a 70 degree house in winter gea & make a run for the warming up car . even though we can get cold the coldest& longest winter s I remember were in ND. I hope you have hit a moderating phase now zero feels like summer after that. we will again survive this - we are tough.


Susan from Alberta Canada

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Nancy: have a great story for you. Last weekend was very mild here in New England, with a cold blast due by Tuesday. We had a very busy week planned; so Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday I planned jaunts out. Mainly to get Bruce out of the house, get things taken care of in case we couldn't get out - you know the drill. We had two snow storms predicted and bitter cold, so I wanted my ducks in a row! LOL.


Tuesday morning, Bruce has his first appointment with his new PCP. We had had a dusting of snow overnight and since we are Southern-facing, I got the snow off the ramp and driveway early. The ramp is the worst. And sure enough, by leave time it was pretty safe.


It is 3 degrees out and a wind chill of 5 below. Not as frigid as you, but pretty cold. Truck is warmed up. Bruce hates winter clothes. Has always been that way. I don't know if you read my blog about a Native American Museum opening we attended pre-stroke. 3 degrees below zero and Bruce strolls out of the hotel in his pants and tee shirt. The rest of his Tux over his arm. Driver says to him "What, are you from Maine?" That's my Bruce, except now, you are a stroke victim. Things have changed but not his mind set.


So dressing him for the Doctor's appointment. I insisted on a scarf. He refused his winter coat - wanted his hooded sweatshirt. OK, but it has to be zipped. No hat - and one mitten over his affected hand. He was itching and angsting like a two year old. Pretty funny except I said to him "I have known this new Doctor for years, I love working with her and think she is the right PCP for you. But I do not need Adult Protective Services paying us a visit, so just stop and suck it up!" Debbie

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Debbie heat bothers me far more than cold & Wayne is opposite. by the time I get hair & makeup done in bathroom with heat blaring out of register - I'm in a full-bore uncomfortable sweat. to me Wayne keeps house too hot & van. I almost never wear a winter coat - just & overshirt or dress jacket - usually go to van in Tshirt or tank to cool down. Van is so hot I don't put on cover shirt until I get out. we ride around with mr in a T or tank & Wayne with heat high in a wool or winter jacket. I would think a heavy winter coat would be super restraining & uncomfortable while buckled in -- not to mention too hot. going from a hot house to hot vehicle - is juat a minute in the cold so not that bad - just my thots i n case Bruce too is bothered by heat.

Susan from Alberta Canada

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