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Care Plan Meeting Today



When I went in this morning, the activities director motioned me over. Mom was in the dining room where they were having music. Some guy comes in often and sings alot of the old songs, really good, too. She said that she was taking mom to the music and she said, she wasn't well. (she says this every day) So the AD told her they were already there, and just sit for a few minutes and if she wanted to leave she would take her back to the room. She said she laughed and even clapped some. So that was good. While she was occupied, I went in to the scheduled care plan meeting. There really wasn't much to discuss since I am there every day and talk to someone when a problem comes up. Mom's weight is stable at 120, so that's good. She really likes the food there.


She was upset the night before about the fall. When I took her to the bathroom before lunch, she tried to tell me about it, but most of it didn't make sense. She did say, "I can't stand it anymore". I noticed a brush burn and a little black bump by her right eye. After lunch I also noticed a red swollen area on her right hand, which I reported. As I was leaving one of the therapist said she heard mom hadn't walked in awhile (a month), so she is ordering a PT screen. She is getting weaker, so hopefully they will pick her up for a little therapy.


I think it's the weather, but this was a really depressing day. I had very little energy. I did get to pick my grandkids up from school though and they were here for a couple of hours, so this was a great pick-me-up.


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oh good your mom can get a little therapy...i remember how you felt about that from before...and at least you know someone is paying attention to your mom..good deal, i am glad you get a relationship with the grandkids no better therapy than that...nancyl.....hugs..

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Guest lwisman


Congrats on taking such good care of your Mom. I know when my Mother was in a home (she had Alzheimers) it was obvious that she got better care because my sister and I were there often. My sister took on washing her clothes, which was a good way to let the staff know you would be around. The squeaky wheel often gets the oil in these situations.

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Jhari :


you are doing great job of hands off caregiving. I know when person is in hospital having loved ones around or checking on them often does make huge difference in level of care they get.



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Good news honey. I am so hopeful Mom will get a few sessions of PT and kudos to the AD, understanding that Mom was trying not to go but worked with her and Mom enjoyed herself. I know it is difficult for Mom to work up any energy to do anything when she is feeling so down. It takes so much to motivate them and your team seems to be right on top of it.


I am sorry about the injuries from the fall. Expected, I know and minor, but still, just a reminder to Mom about her disabilities, but also a reminder to call for help. Good week. Debbie

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I think I know how you must feel when mom is doing pretty good at the home but not like if she was "at home" with you are someone else in the family. The more you drop in on her the better they will care for her but you can't all the time. Some improvement is better than none and more therapy is what she needs. I'm still in prayer for mom, OK!


I do know employees will hit them and say they fell when they pushed or knocked them down on the bed or floor. They did my aunt like that.

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