Jhari's Blog

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Hectic Week

My husband's transmission just gave up in his jeep 2 weeks ago. He is a rural mailman, this is a problem. I had to take him on his route 3 times in the last 2 weeks. This means 120 miles and 350+ boxes to serve. Of course weather conditions have not been the greatest. So this Monday I didn't get to home until evening. Mom was fine, her normal self. The next day when I went in she was in bed with a hospital gown on. She had been sick all night, vomiting and diarrhea. I wasn't there much that da



Care Plan Meeting Today

When I went in this morning, the activities director motioned me over. Mom was in the dining room where they were having music. Some guy comes in often and sings alot of the old songs, really good, too. She said that she was taking mom to the music and she said, she wasn't well. (she says this every day) So the AD told her they were already there, and just sit for a few minutes and if she wanted to leave she would take her back to the room. She said she laughed and even clapped some. So that was



Catching up

Once again, it has been quite awhile since I have updated. I have been reading the forums and other blogs, but sometimes I just feel too tired to type what's in my head. I've had some pretty good days with mom, lately. 3 weeks ago, during the coldest days we have had this year, I was sick. I kept going for awhile. My grandkids were sick and home from school, 1 at a time, and I took care of them. Then my husband was sick. I thought I was going to dodge it, but didn't. I was on the couch for 5 day



Silly Me

The other day I was thinking that the grieving part was over for me. You know the time when I grieve the loss of my "old" mom. The one that I could actually have meaningful conversations with and go shopping with, things like that. I had felt good for quite awhile, no significant down times. Silly me. I don't even know what caused it, maybe just tiredness. It just seemed it came back, the dragged down, hopeless feeling. Last week for a couple of days, mom was not good, very weepy. Then toward th



Made it through the New Year

My daughter's wedding was very beautiful, and then the reception afterward at her house. Lots and lots of good food. My 2 grand-daughters stayed overnight with us that night. The next day, the 1st, my husband and Shelby made me a Boston Creme Pie (for my birthday) and Anna and I made Shelby a chocolate chip cookie cake (for her birthday). Later we went to my daughter's for lunch and cake. We took the girls with us to the nursing home that night to see mom. It wasn't a very good night for her. My



Almost New Year's

I see the last time I posted was Dec. 14th. I guess I think things in my head to post, just don't actually do it. The facility had it's Christmas party Dec. 21st. I went and took mom, though she was not thrilled about it. Every resident got a very nice present, mom's was a sweater. Santa came, we had pizza, cheese and crackers, cookies, egg nog. But it was very loud, they had live music, 2 ladies playing guitars and singing carols. After 1/2 hr. mom was ready to leave.   One night about a week




Last week mom was complaining of a pain in her groin area when she stood or sat down. The therapist noticed a change in her overall behavior, so they got an order for a urinalysis. That turned out to be negative. I was kind of hoping for a positive since that would have been a quick fix. She has also been incontinent alot more and doesn't even seem to know it some of the time. The weekend was ok, I go in at night on the weekends, so I can get some things done at home. Saturday night my grand-dau



Up and Down (as usual)

Yep, the normal week,up and down and up again. Sunday night when I got to the home, mom was coming from the dining room in her W/C. When we got to her room, she said she had to go to the bathroom, so I put her on the toilet, only to find her pull-up was full of bm. So I changed her completely. She seemed surprised that she had gone, so I don't know what that's about. An hour later she had to go again and had another bm. I reported this to the nurse. Weekends are hard because there is not as much



Giving Thanks

I'm thankful today for the good week we've had. While reading to mom the other day, she said, "Boy, you talk so fast, I don't understand". It was so plain and I was so happy that she expressed exactly how she felt. On Monday she had a visitor in the morning and even though she did ok, it frustrates me that when other people are there she gets anxious and can't speak as well. Then they get the impression that she is "confused". After the visitor left, I ate lunch with her and we went to the neare



Coming up on 1st anniversary

I have been trying to do a blog now for months, but I never get it right and just don't have time to figure it out. So will try again. Mom's 1st anniversary is coming up. I know she has made progress, but sometimes it just seems like it's 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. Today was not one of those good days, plus I had a sleepless night, so I am in a melancholy mood. Yesterday mom looked in the mirror and said, "I'm an ugly old thing". Absolutely not true. She is beautiful, but has never thought

