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Mom is doing better, she still had a couple of bouts of diarrhea on Friday, but was up in her chair for quite awhile. Saturday she was much better, in up the chair, dressed in regular clothes and at the dining room table. She also resumed pt. She doesn't like pt, I guess she feels it is worthless. I tried to explain to her that if she is stronger it is easier on me. the therapist said that sometimes when she comes to get mom, mom says, "No teacher!"


After last week, I was a little burnt out, I didn't even go to church on Sunday, just stayed home and slept on and off. I went to see mom in the evening that day.

Yesterday when I went in the nurse told me that mom's pt/inr was critical, up to 6. So they have put her coumadin on hold for a couple of days.

When I went in this morning mom was in line in the hall to see the podiatrist. She had walked for the therapist this morning but she said she still shuffles.


I talked with my brother last night. He went to have the spinal tap yesterday but when they did a blood test his pt/inr was very low. So he had to have plasma and he had an adverse reaction to it. After getting him through that, he went ahead with the procedure. He was very tired last night and his voice was very hoarse. I just feel so sad and helpless. If anything happens to him (which it is looking that way) I don't know how I will deal with that with mom. She talked with him on the phone the other night. She knows he is very sick. She has always been one to just avoid and not talk about bad things that are happening. I guess I'll deal with that when it happens.


I think we will all feel better here and have more energy (hopefully) when the sun starts shining again. Winter is really hanging on.


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Judy: you are so right! Winter is just hanging on too long. I spoke with the lawn guy today. He is just so anxious to get to work on Spring clean up, but doesn't dare-weather is just too iffy! And for us too-just some sun and warmth without the wind and underlying wet, coolness. A reminder that anything can happen at any time. I got Bruce out today for a bit because next few days are just so unsettled.


Good news on Mom. She seems to be on the up-side of the infection. Keep in mine, honey, that all work (PT) is tough on them. Lots of work, pain and small results. Just keep insisting, best you can do.


I am sorry about your brother. You will deal with issues as they come up. You have since day one, stroke, and will continue to do the best for your family. I, too, try to project, but you can't. You just have to deal with the issues as they present. And know that you did the best you could. Forward and know you are in my prayers. Debbie

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Judy-- the one good and bad thing about each of us... we have a lot going on, ---- what a great daughter you are, and a great sister... so hard to have both sides to try to maintain... the cost of being a good compassionate human being.. we care, for our loved ones. mom, dad, sibling, child and friends.... the dutch boy with the finger in the hole of the dam.... thats us-- all of us here on stroke net...

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