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Dan and I are doing OK-- we are surviving... got some new med changes - taken off the coumadin ( to dangerous given his nutrition issues) now on pradaxa .. i have neer been a fan of the newere blood thinners , but the coumadin is more dangerous when a level of 6.99 gets reached... so there is that and they added Prozac to the mix of meds... hopefully the antidepressent will work..... and we also started flomax, to make sure his bladder is getting emptied out... male prostate issue ... so hopefully we can keep the ball rolling forward... .... he seems to be doing OK-- Michael has been a god send.... the waether hers has been awful i mean really 16 inches of snow in the middle of april--- and another couple inches in the next few days... crazy, crazy.... erika is feeling better -- the bravo must have detached.... beth hasent had a new hive break out... Hmmm dan better = kids better ???? except Ms April who is having a jewelry party and she is a very high strung perfectionist so she has been cleaning house and acting a little higher strung than normal... but thats life... she will learn just SAY NO... . well just a positive update...... for a change hugs and smiles and thanks everyone for the well wishes and prayers... we needed them....


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Hmmm. Perhaps I'll just stop complaining about our rugged weather in the 40's, gloomy, and rainy. That would seem divine to you northerners with 16 inches of snow. Craziness.


Here's hoping the worst of your problems continues to be April cleaning house like a mad woman! When someone wants to clean my house, they can do it any way they want!! ~~Donna

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Nancy :


good to read this good blog where every one seems to have found their even keel except mother nature, hopefully she will find soon too.



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Laugh isent it the truth about both april and mother nature... hopefully at least for a while ( dare i ask to much) -- those two will be the biggest problem LOL nancyl

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Nancy, I'm happy to see things are settling down for you. As for the weather, it could be worse. You could have storms and tornados like we have here and still coming this week.


I hope the med changes will be the answer for Dan in his recovery.



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