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Overcome with grief



Thursday was the 2-wk. anniversary of my brother's death. Friday would have been his 62nd birthday. I am finding that even though 5 yrs. seems like a long time, it was not nearly enough time to say good-bye. I feel an ache and a rawness inside that will not go away.


We were at my mom's house tonight, clearing things out. The closing date is on Wednesday. It was sad and when we got home I wanted so much to call my brother. We talked almost every day. I miss him so much. Right now I feel overcome with grief, nothing helps.


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I understand that "nothing helps feeling". Having lost both Mum and Ray last year I was in your position for quite a while. I can say that six months and eight months out I am more able to cope but those waves of grief continue to come. I am just more able to get over them now.


When I cleared Mum's house out it took me eight weeks. I opened every box and burst into tears, so many memories of her and my Dad and happier times. And it did feel so bad, as if I was somehow throwing her life away.


Warm (((Hugs))) and wishing you calmer days ahead.



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Jhari :


I am sending you lot of virtual hugs. loosing loved one is hard & I pray you get strength to get through this difficult phase in your life. grief does not follow those 4 steps defined in the book, it has its own way of finding acceptance. so be kind to yourself while you go through those difficult stages of your life.



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It's very tough to lose a family member anytime and when you have talked on the phone all the time it's even harder to turn loose. You are handling all this in a courageous way with mom being down too! My heart goes out to you and all your family members. There will be happier times ahead! I been there.

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Joni: only time honey. So quick to have to clear out Mom's house, so you are grieving in several direction. Please know I am thinking of you and yes, many, many hugs. Debbie

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