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Small voices in the head



Anyone ever have two competing small voices in the mind each trying to make it's point? Speaking of point I'll get to mine. During the recovery from my recent knee surgery, exercise was not possible. OK, now that the recovery from the surgery is done I decided it is time to start exercising again.


You would not believe the reasons the voice in my mind came up with to put it off. I started today expecting lots of strength loss because of the layoff of 2 months. Happily not much loss, but one voice tells me that means I was not working hard enough before the surgery. You guessed it, the other voice tells me not losing much strength tells me I really don't need to exercise anymore and I will be OK.


Which voice to listen to? Well I have opted to listen to the first voice and get back to exercising regularly again, and will soon add some more weight and work myself a bit harder.


Why am I doing this you ask? Simple. As I have written here before I believe in seasons in life. Lesley and I are in a good season at the moment. I want it to last as long as possible. Most of the future is not in my control. One thing that I have some control over is my conditioning level. The longer I am fit and able to do things, the longer our good season may last.


Lesley and I just completed a 2300 mile trip to Ohio and back in our motor home. We saw some Amish country thanks to some help from this forum (thanks wiremanranch). Met many new people, saw many new places and roads mostly in Ohio and Michigan that we had never been on before, and in general had a blast. We were reminded how fleeting life can be when we met two lovely couples, one married 40+ years and the other 55 years, and both women are fighting life threatening illness.


We met another couple just both retired. Our advice to them was that whatever is on their "bucket" list, they need to get on with doing it now.


I want to do this travel as long as I and Lesley are able. Exercising is the least I can do to help make it happen.


Time for some coffee.


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I too am more than aware that we have to make the most of what time we have left. This is one of the few gifts stroke has handed us. I also stopped my gym classes, for three months (since mid April); just resumed them last week. My reason to quit was that they lost their lease and didn't handle the transition gracefully; so since I had lots of social activities and yardwork coming up, I let it go and planned to look for another place eventually. Next thing I know, I'm having heart palpitations and taking long naps, mid day. I got scared, went back to the dumpy place my classes are being held right now and am on the road to recovery. It was great to find out that I didn't feel like I had been gone at all. I love the ladies I exercise with, and especially my teachers, and had missed them more than I knew.


Travelling is key. It is hard work but on the other hand, it is the reward for a lifetime of hard work too. I used to always have an excuse, my job was just to important for me to have any fun. Now I see the light! If we have a few days at home now, it seems so very relaxing, then a week or so later I'm making another commitment to travel somewhere else. The day may come that we can't, and I don't want to lose another minute.

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George :


I love your attitude towards life, I feel the same way, I am thankful that my stroke woke me up from sleepwalking through life & enjoy every minute of it with my loved ones.



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I have to join in these comments and say "Me too" I enjoy life to the fullest with my family and thank God I survived to have more time to spend together with my wonderful wife and family members.


Now George, for the small voices in your head, get a roll of duct tape and shut their mouths up man. Then you can decide what way you wish to go, OK? Meanwhile keep on exercising daily when possible, that's what I do, and you'll be right back on track.


My thing is do all I can now, go, come and just be happy with life every day. That way it stops all the I couda, I wooda, and should haves but I didn't!

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George: always nice to get to a good season. So many things cause set back and sometimes it is a struggle to work through the tough times, but yes that good season does arrive again.


I love that you and Lesley are off on great adventures and yes, you still have to keep up the work.


Happy Trails and please do keep us updated. Debbie

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Hello George, having my stroke, it hit me that life is too short. You are right about a good season, I just got back from England, and my travel bone is ready to be off again. Coming back, I did not want to start my walking I listen to my voices, but I am fighting it and now I get up each morning, knowing that the walking helps keep my blood pressure down,so I can travel again.


Happy travelling. Yvonne

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I have always had those - voices - and i am not the one with the stroke--- although i know that isent your point... i have those voices -- and boy are they hard to drowned out with activity ... LOL my paticular nemesis -- housework- the kind i have to do.. the paper shuffling, organising - put this over her, and move that there kind.... and yes you are in the good season so run your buts off and have fun... cause tomorrow always has challenges -- both good and bad , waiting for us...

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Sounds like you had a great time and met some wonderful people. And life can change in an instant so why not enjoy it now. It's nice to travel and to see and experience new things. Sounds like you are doing just that. Enjoy!


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Why is it once you been a motor home user it stays in your blood to keep doing??? Maybe the freedom it brings being out on the open road, the RV camps, and just meeting other like minded people living the life???


I sure do want to do it again in my condition if that is possible. I traveled all the time even while in the Army on the pistol team. I just enjoy going places and seeing things in this life. RVing is one way to do that with very little expense.


A smaller self contained class A or B, I think would fit my schedule and my wife could do a little driving as well. She couldn't handle the 31 footer we had saying to me it was way too long to drive.

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Thanks to all for the nice replies. And Fred, once the motor home bug bites, there is no known cure. The freedom to go where you want when you want and to be able to stop and do anything you want, is unbeatable. We travel state and US hwys, not interstates, because you actually see the country and meet people that way. Our new class "B" motor home is absolutely perfect for us now. Lesley loves to drive it, I do too when she lets me! We stay at a lot of National Forest campgrounds and Corp of Engineers and a as a disabled vet we and you get 1/2 price. We now carry proof of the VA disability, it often comes in handy. We plan on about 250 miles a day max. I usually drive in the morning, my focus is better then, and Lesley afternoons because I can navigate better and make sure we actually get to the place we plan to spend the night at! . See you on the road!

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