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ok --- as i said before got the bid on the new home -- hooray. got the condo up for sale... got the condo staged for sale... -- have a girlfriend aha has always been there for me, have a grandchild ( born with MASSIVE brain damege ) that is dying, Dan is sick yet again... and i am down in cities ( mnpls) came to be with my girlfriend and hold her hand while she holds he childrens hands through this... so dan is home ( got out of hospital today) doing ok - so far... got a case management program set up for him... the clinic , the hospital, home health and my friend the doc are all on the same page... but our doc ( who has a Phd in chemistry and has been following dan - has picked up that dan has a virulant bladder infection and has for a long time ( go figure Mr. no drink) ... and he has a kidney stone churning somewhere elluding a scan, but the "chemicals " are there... this particular doc has never been wrong when it comes to dan... so i handed over the reins and left town.. and he is overseeing his care via home health ordres ect .. he will no longer go more than 48 hours with no hyderation -- he will be Iv'd if he does.. at home .. he is gonna have lots and lots of fluid pushed through him starting tomorrow --- flush , flush, and flush.... ad the doc -- if the kids or later when i get back home can call him and he will come to the house... so maybe we will finally get somewhere... and i forgot the most important part I got to see my grandaughter --- have not seen her for a long , long time... down here in the cities .... dans constant issues have kept me from seeing my lilly bird -- but not now , not today.. or tomorrow ... i got 2 days to be with my girlfriend when she needs me the most, as she was for me... and i get to see lilly... now if the DAN part of this equation works out even just for a little while -- i will feel blessed - even during this very , very sad time...


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and debbie when i get home i will get my blood tested,,i am not sleeping even though i am exhausted and my back hurts.... smile..

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You need a break; even with the mission you are on, it is a change from your everyday strife. Glad to hear you were able to get away by yourself for a change!

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Nancy, you owe it to yourself to take a little time and breathe in and out and the world will still be the same. Relax and enjoy life you been in Drive so shift gears and slow yourself down, Dan will be alright with the doctor in charge. This visit should be a good thing to have done at this time. I know the feeling!


I feel the doctor will get to the bottom of Dan's health situation and have it ALL under control in due time. "Relax"

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Kudos! Miss. I really know how very difficult a decision it was for you to decide to go. But Nancy I know you were so upset you couldn't be there for the family and now to be able to spend time with your Granddaughter - perfect decision.


You family and friends are in my prayers daily. And I know just you being there has been a blessing. Please do rest up a bit - you are going home to more issues - as you know. And thank you for the promise! Debbie

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I'm glad you are able to get away and help your friend. Maybe it will do Dan some good also, to not have you around and see how lucky he is! I hope this time brings a little help to both of you... I mean, I know you are dealing with a sad situation, but I think being able to be there will help you feel like the old Nancy, instead of just the caretaker role that we are all on, that kinda doesn't have room for us, our problems, our concerns in life.

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