its OK - dare i say it??
Dan has reached a sort of OK status in life.. although i am not fooled into thinking this is long term i do believe we are turning a corner of life...... he gets IV'd 2X ( at home) per week and this has made the biggest difference. he has some humor to him, some enjoyment - engages a little in life ( certainly more than he used to.) and i am not living with my heart in my throat. but i am living with a plug in my hand .. the IV - since we dont do much on the 2 days he is IV'd .. I am not complaining though.... the house deals are moving forward. and life has some "promise" to it... dan is suffering today from a bad spell of nueropathy his affected side is just aching , but we have had some pretty fair days so i really wont complain to much about the off days as long as i get a few ON days.... nancyl
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