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another day , but ended ok



today dan decided he wasent gonna take his pills, wanted to die... so i didnt fight about it, beg or bribe ( it's never worked anyhow) i just left and never brought it up again... left him alone for the most part of the day.. he napped some .. but as the day progressed he seemed to come out of it... I just stayed away , but encouraged the kids to go and visit with him ... Erika spent a few hours watching TV in the bedroom with him... and he seemed to come out of the "mood" .. he did take his PM pills although he groaned ( erika gave them to him) ... and he requested candy so Beth went and brought him some.. ( twizzlers - licorice) and he did eat and drink some... .. But it was a reminder - we have been doing well ( for the most part) - that depression is still stalking us, lying under the surface just waiting to strike ..... depression NEVER underestimate it.... EVER.... nancyl


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ugh... I hate that he keeps having this depression come back. At least you have the tools to deal with it now. Glad she was able to snap him out of it and maybe tomorrow will be better.

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Nancy :


does he get enough exposure to sun ? maybe taking him out on a walk in a nature might help his mood. I know for me walk in nature is very healing. for me nature & sunlight always helped me boost my mood, & ofcourse for me reading inspirational & or spiritual books helped me get out of my funk mood. I learnt after despair of my stroke that to be broken is no reason to see everything is broken. So focusing on things I am still grateful for after my stroke helped me &ofcourse when I started contributing in our family dynamics helped me feel better about myself.



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Nancy, you seem to know how to deal with Dans depression. It is good that the kids can pull him back to the "real world". You are so right depression never goes away. I feel mine coming on, and I was doing great. Goig to the doctor and see what wrong, my blood sugar is hight.



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asha the sun thing such a great thought --- but it is 10 degrees here .... and he wont take a d supplement--- but i am gonna pop the vitamin and start adding it to something... since it is liquid filled and more or less tasteless i should be able to pull it off-- thanks for the reminder...and if it warms up i am gonna shoot for a walk with him...

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Talking about vitamins. As most people with health problems, Bob takes LOTS of meds, and is just soooo sick of swallowing them. I decided I wanted to start giving us vitamins again, but thought about those big oblong vitamins and how he would hate one more pill, and saw the new adult gummy vitamins and we are now taking those.

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Nancy I got Don one of those sunlights so that he can sit and read and watch TV it's like fake sunshine but it worked for Don. I found a floorlamp style that works well for us and it was at WallMart.com at a very reasonable price, so it was worth trying


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I feel for you Nancy. My hubby went through bouts of depression right up to the end. The last one had a real basis and it finally ended with his death....twice (I pulled him back to say I love you one more time before I lost him). I have had plenty of bouts myself and had to pull myself out of them. Hang in there.

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