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Sooo Gloomy!



It's 9am and haven't seen the sunshine yet! I knew it was suppose to rain today but It is awful outside! Looks like it's 9pm! My son has been working on his car for the last few days and the makeshift carport he put up just went flying through the air! It's days like this that make me want to just go back to bed and sleep till summertime. Mike has been in a really weird mood the last few days too. He has never been an ill natured person but it seems like he has the whole world on his shoulders for some reason. I have asked him several times what is the matter but he says nothing and goes back to staring at the tv or sleeping with his head on the table! I so wish there was something in this one horse poedunk town we live in for us to do! Oh well just venting. Hope you all are having a good new year. Come on summer!


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Ray gets spacy when the weather is weird too, when it was around zero last week he actually refused to go out shopping. Well it's winter, so we'll roll with it and figure it's only about two months to spring.

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It's not just your neck of the woods it's everywhere plus babies and people are dying from cold and Flu systoms here in Texas!


I'm using a box of tissue a day for my nose, taking medicine all day long in bed! Everybody else in the house is OK! We all had our Flu shots early and you would think I didn't get one!

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everyday a new day -- a new problem --- mike is ( as i have said before) so close , he has so much more cognition and so close to so much --- he can almost "taste it" but can't ( yet) -- the wind in his hair - riding motorcycle, playing guitar, and out "playing' with the friends, work - all that.... mike might see the day he gets some of this back... but i think a big root for him is the loss of people in his life - friends relatives, co workers -- people he thought ( as we all do) - were true in your life---- then the chips fell and for the most part they are gone.... leaving this "hole" in your heart of knowledge.... knowing those people were not there.. makes everything false... for me that is part of my depression... and yes i get the ( some people just can't handle it or have no idea- but in the end it dont matter the fact is they are gone) and much mourning goes on for all of us.. survivor and caretaker alike... my own little opinion - certainly not a fact.... and you are the type of person who gets what i mean - so i wrote what i felt might help with some insite ??? and later you can recenter me OK ??

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I thank God that we have the house we do, warts and all! It has plenty of things wrong with it, oh my, but the things we loved about it are paying off big time. The dining room, which is not formal at all, has really big windows on the 2 outside walls. Even when weather is blurry, it is almost like we are out there anyway. That ability to see out makes a huge impression on how you feel. If there's any windows you can get more open from curtains, try to get them where you can see out, it matters so much not to feel 'pinned in'.


Tell Mike hi from Bob, and Bob has a new accomplishment, I'll share later, hopefully tonight! It's such a small thing, but it's taken this long to be able to do it!

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I thank God daily that I have this site to visit. You guys always know just what to say to make a person stop, think and regroup. Fred, sorry you have been sick hope you feel better soon. They say the flu bug is coming late in our area so we are trying to keep that bug out of the house, hope it works! Nancy you hit the nail on the head! He says daily that he is soooo ready for summer and being able to get out and try to ride his motorcycle! I pray everyday that it will become a reality and not just a dream. He is really close, he can hold it up now and pull the clutch in but still cant reach the kickstand to raise it, however we can have that adjusted to work. His guitar, which one would think would be the easiest of the two is still a good ways away from being able to do that. He is getting there and I know he just wants this bad dream to be over. Sandy, we sit in the kitchen 99% of the time and there is a large window by the table where we can see out, we have bird feeders and a bird bath just outside them and watch the birds quite a bit. We will get out of here one of these days. I can't wait to here about Bob's new accomplishment! Hurry tell us! Curiosity killed the cat you know! LOL!

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Cat: Oh boy, know exactly what you are feeling. Entire front of our house is windows. Front door is pure, clear glass and Bruce sits right in front of it. Still I see daily I am losing him to more TV. I put the bird feeders at the kitchen window where he does the dishes and he can also see from the bed (deck door). And Bruce is a cold-weather guy!


Keep an eye to your most trusted - LOL - weather station and plan outings when you can. I spent an entire week getting everything done to get Bruce out last Sunday for a few hours. We grocery shopped and then took a ride with a Latte, but it helped so much and we were able to think of some projects for this week, knowing we can get out tomorrow.


And yes, so looking forward to Bob's new accomplishment. Hope Sandy shares soonest. Debbie

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Hi Cat, it must be hard with the weather been so bad. I live in Florida, so weather wise, we had a few days with it been raining,and cold for Florida. It was warm on Saturday and today rain. That is Florida, nothing like what you Guys are going through.

Hopeful it get better,so you can get out even for a car ride, fresh air works wonders.




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