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Well my weekend started out on the most sad news I could have ever imagined getting, my Mom died Saturday morning! She was 78 but in fairly good health, completely independent and taking care of my bed ridden Dad! She went to the bathroom and dropped dead of what they think was a heart attack or blood clot. Then Sunday my ex husbands dad, which I have remained very close to, had a stroke and in the hospital fighting for his life! He is in the little hospital here in our town and they wanted to send him to the big hospital 40 miles away but there was no rooms available! No neurologist here so they are conferring with the one at the big hospital. He almost didn't pull through last night so please keep him in your prayers as my three kids are really having a hard time with the loss of one grandparent and the looming possibility of loosing another anytime now! I know they say God never gives more than you can bear but sometimes I just question if that is true or not! Hope all you are doing well. Stay warm as our area is headed for another winter storm with lots of ice accumulation! Just don't know?


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Oh Cindy, please accept my condolences for the loss of your Mom, I know first-hand what that is like and how sad you feel. Be assured your children's grandfather will also be in my prayers. I hope he can recover from this set-back. We all know what stroke can do but have seen great recoveries too.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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My condolences on the loss of your mother. I will gladly keep your children's grandfather and them in my prayers.




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cindy :


please accept my condolences for your loss. I pray God gives you strength to handle what has been put on your plate. you will get through this just take one day at a time.




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Cindy, I am so sorry for your loss of your mother. I be praying for the whole family. That all we can do Cindy, keep on praying and having faith that he will take care of it all.


I am praying for you all, and lifting up Grand dad


God bless



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cindy, i too am very sorry for your loss i have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. it is really hard to lose a parent, especially an uexpected loss. you definitely did not have a good weekend. but i know god has it all in his hands, to take the load of your burdens off your shoulders. take care of yourself and your family one day at a time.




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Oh no, what a terrible shock for you to all have. I will certainly be praying for you all, and for the other grandfather from your X. It all seems to hit at once. Sending you hugs and prayers!

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Cindy, please accept my sincere condolences. My thoughts and prayers will be for you and your family. You are going through a very stressful time, so take extra good care of yourself. Lin

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