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shirt in the toilet



sometimes i have no answers.... i am getting dan all washed up for the day. He took his shirt off that he had slept in... i didnt pay attention to - where- he put it... But he was acting kinda "coy" -- come to find out he had shoved his shirt in the toilet and didnt want me to know... he didnt seem to know why he had done it either... some one was posting about impulse control.. i guess i got my example of the day ... well at least he didnt try to flush...........


My tooth is still bugging the temporary crown came off ( loosened ) and now i am in a hurt bag..... i cant take ibuprofen which would be the more ideal drug for this pain, so i have to try to aleviate it with bigger meds.... it helps right up until it hurts.... so i am a crab !!!! not leaving much leave way for dans shenanigans .... but life could be worse- could be better, but it could be worse.... just had to share one of the stroke mysteries we had.... poor dan and poor nan -- no one knows WHY the shirt is in the toilet... it's in the wash now ...lol have a good week people... nancyl


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It was a pre-soak! We all know how Dan is with cleaning things.


Ray pulled a Dan last week, I was shaving him and a blob of shaving cream fell on the counter, and he instantly scooped it up with his finger and ATE IT. I kept saying, Ray why did you did that and all he did was smile, like he thought it was cute. If not for knowing Dan, I'd be very worried, but no repercussions.


So sorry about your tooth, if it was me you know I'd be trying an occasional shot of vodka! If nothing else, it would kill any germs ;-)

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Weren't you lucky!! Imagine if he had tried to flush it! OMG!! The mind is a strange thing. Charlie had dyslexia of the brain...Yes was No. He did some strange things, too. Can't be explained or predicted.


Sorry about your tooth...try Ambesol until you can get it fixed...you don't need pain.


Take care of yourself.

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Nancy: I have found things I can't believe he put them there - just helping out - LOL. There is a reason, I am sure. But for the life of me I can't figure it out. I agree with Col - pre-soak!


Brittany once got into the toilet to give herself a bath - we were going out to dinner. That was the closest water to her. LOL


Please do call the Dentist and get that tooth taken care of. Good week, stay warm. Debbie

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This is maddening... this is the second subject I have left a reply in and found my message missing - but it wasn't both on the same board! I'm guessing my wi-fi must have went down and after i replied and hit send, I went to another tab I had opened and never realized my various messages were falling into black holes! Anyway, I had the same sentiment as mentioned... could he think it was the washer (you know, brain fart thinking)? or a hamper? I sure hope that toilet was clean/empty when he did that! I'm guessing this could turn into a repeat, I hope you told him that was the wrong thing to do, or he might still be rewarding himself thinking he had learned to do a new cleanup!

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Nancy, he was just been helpful! I agree with Colleen, he was pre - soaking it.


Hope your tooth is doing better, but to me tooth ach is one of the worse pain to get! Get to the Dentist quick!!!



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