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up again - but all is OK



I know better than to say - all is good........ that is a karma set up - not really i am not that superstitious although i believe in the "judgement" after our death... enough ( way , way to controversial ) ... still learning about the hyderation issues with dan - it is like the more his body gets the more it wants/needs... his mood is OK - mine is in the dumps I am so sick of this weather.. and would love to just be in AZ but - the grand baby - is here.... yes i have another in MN but they are so far i havent formed as much of a bond as i would have liked... it is what it is... and i do help in other ways... weston has been with us a few days while his folks are on vacation... and he has been a little pistol.. but grandma keeps him reeled in... lol..... there is just literally nothing to do... dan has ambition but there is nothing to do, yard work is appropriate for him, scooting in his chair doing the things he deems important...he wont do senseless work... today's big accomplishement vaccuming - all caregivers knows what that means - pride in watching the loved one try , but work with dan as he is so OCD... so no cheating , and frusteration runs high even for a very simple chore ...he scoots in his "house" wheelchair and vacuums and sucks up rugs, and bumps into walls ( lol they are just walls and can be painted again) but it is fun to see a little glimmer in his eye.. the i am still a useful human being... and he is, he is loved and cherished ... But he dont even want to leave the house it is so cold out .. and it would be crazy to leave the house.... but it would break some of the cabin fever, for both of us...my tooth is still buggin a bit better got back to the dentist the permanent crown should be done the 28th ..... money and pain - yah for me!! and taxes coming due, car insurance coming due, and i still owe a electrician for the other house two grand..... so time to settle the spending a bit.... dan always was the planner the one thinking ahead... now its me and i dont do as well as he did... and we, none of us have the luxury of thrift shopping... many times it is a - who has the quickest line question- I have tons of time just not in a store... to many variables....

so sick of this cold - shoveling even with really good gloves and boots just freezes you to the point of frostbite.... come- on winter END... and it is only January and i am begging for spring......


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It's allot easier when it's 70 out then when it is below zero. It started early and it just will not give us a break. I am ready for a little warn weather too.

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Nancy, I feel for you guys in this terriable weather. Iam in Florida, and this cold front came in like a Lion. It is cold for people like my husband , born in Florida, and he see me getting up in the morning and go for my walk. I remember when I could not walk, and not go outside. Spring is comming. Take care of Dan and your self..



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Funny: I am always wishing for something to "grab" Bruce and Dan has projects that grab him and yet both just make more work and stress for you and I. I guess I will have to pray for something that will "grab" him that is independent of me - LOL.


I'll be blogging my recent stab at fending off cabin fever. I am so exhausted, it will take me a day or two to recover and by then, I'll have to come up with another plan.


Yes, please do bundle up. Neighbor hollered at me yesterday when I went out to shovel "cover up that skin" LOL. I do OK with the feet, but the hands just kill.


Go easy, come in and warm up when you need to, hydrate.

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