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Summer Fun, Plateaus Therapy



We have been having so much fun with the girls home for Summer break, they went swimming at a public pool one day, we went to a local fair/carnival one evening, Drive-in one night and just yesterday took them bowling because it was raining. Everything has been fun--even though I am just watching this year and not participating in anything. Kind of hard for me, this is the 1st summer after my stroke. I used to jump right in and participate in everything. One thing we learned at the fair--turn the wheelchair around backwards going over hoses, etc... We didn't at first and the front tire fell off of my wheelchair! Left my quad cane in the van, so I had to hold onto the girls to keep my balance while my husband tried to put the wheel back on. What a tough job! He had to get a stranger that was walking by to help. It took both of them and it was hard to pop back on, but they finally got it. Then we all had fun, the girls rode rides and I people watched, ate a corn dog and an ice cream cone.


We still have a few drive Ins around Indiana, the night we went the weather was wonderful! The movies we saw were Maleficent and Blended. They both were okay movies, but I liked Blended the best. It was a fun night watching the movies by sitting in the van and watching my 2 girls and 2 friends they took. Not a lot of people were there, I hope their business picks up, so they will continue to stay open most drive ins have closed, and I enjoy going to them! Even before my stroke, I liked going to drive Ins and really now, since I can just sit in my van and enjoy myself.


Watching them bowl yesterday was a lot of fun. l would have loved to bowl with them............Another area in my life post stroke of adapting and adjusting.


My stroke was 8/2013, I have been in therapy for almost 9 months. I have reached a plateau in occupational therapy and now physical therapy. Yesterday was my last day for pt for at least 3 months and then maybe go back and see if I have overcome my plateau, be re-valuated and see if insurance will cover some more sessions. I will continue stretching and exercising everyday on my own. If I don't do that my arm and leg get so stiff, ache and hurt. I am excited but also scared and worried. The thought I will be this disabled for the rest of my life, is still mind boggling. I am 47 now, but like to think I am not that old and have quite a few more years left.


I know I have come so far......when my stroke happened, my whole left side was paralyzed and not moveable. I couldn't even sit up in the hospital bed by myself. They had to keep coming in my room and straightening my body up. I can't do much in public and I don't feel comfortable unless my husband is with me. At home, I cook some, I go back and forth to the bathroom myself, I shower by myself. Today I just had some steps with rails put on my wood deck to make it easier to get up and down. My old steps only had 1 rail. I am hoping to get more independent. And while taking this break in my therapy, I plan on practicing driving more. I have drove a couple of times and did pretty good. I live in the country in Indiana, where you have to have a vehicle, the nearest town to me is about 13 miles. I drove to the local high school (where my daughter will be a sophomore) and practiced driving all around the parking lot, and practiced parking in between the lines. Did a good job but need more practice, I don't plan on driving to a big city for a while. But the driving I have done has been very enjoyable!


Hope everyone else is having a good Summer and enjoying yourselves! Life is just too short not too!



I am


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What's up with the I am at the bottom? I don't remember typing that! I do know my husband grabbed my laptop and instead of opening a new tab, he just closed my window, which happened to be here and I had part of a post typed and had to go find it--maybe that had something to do with the I am????

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Glad you are enjoying the girls and having a good time with your husband. I hate when my exercise times are up but I be a little tired and sorta want it to end so I can do other things!!


I bet that wheel coming off scared you a bit when you realized you didn't have your cane???

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Tina :


your positive attitude & blogs are always so much fun to read. you are making best lemonade possible out of your lemons. you are creating best new normal for your whole family & by staying so upbeat, making life pleasurable for all involved party like your family in your journey. Enjoy your summer, life is too short to spend sulking. enjoy your kids they grow up way too fast. my son was only 7 when I stroked & now in a year he will be flying out of home. I am so glad I enjoyed every minute of it including growing pain lol



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Hi Tina, please that you are enjoying your summer. I am enjoying mine, my grand kids keep me busy. We have been to the beach twice, they love it, I have so much pleasure just watching them playing. life is short and it is for living and enjoying. great that you are driving, you go girl! not for me it seems the meds Iam on, not do well for driving LOL never mind, I got my bus, and my left and right foot!



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