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Life after Stroke

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My 100 things you don't know about me!

I have enjoyed reading other people's so thought I would try it!   1. Born, raised and have lived in Indiana all my life.   2. I have only lived in 4 houses in my 48 years of life.   3. I only have 1 sister   4. I live in the country   5. 35 miles east of Indianapolis   6 When I was a kid we had a trailer fire and lost everything we owned except the clothes on our backs   7. My neighbors had 3 sons that were like brothers to me   8. One of those boys is still like a best frien



Haven't blogged in a while, but still enjoy reading this site!

I think one of the main reasons I don't blog is typing with one hand takes me so long! I still check this site daily and love to read!   Mom has been gone 4 months now and it has gotten easier, but I think about her at least once a day and usually a few tears fall. Hard to lose your Mother at any age, just seems like there was still so much left to do with her and now it won't get done. The Holidays were extremely hard I visit her grave weekly if the weather in Indiana cooperates! My sister a



Been reading--but not posting and I miss it!

Hi all, today marks week number 7 that we buried mom. It is still so hard I am 47 and Mom was 72 when she passed. What an experience this has been. 2 good things--Mom is not in pain any more and I will see her in Heaven and now I know how a funeral works and what all you have to do as in dealing with the funeral home and cemetery. What I really miss is the phone conversations, over the last year we talked on the phone more than we saw each other because of my stroke, then her TIA and other heal



I sure have missed blogging!

It was 2 weeks ago today, I buried my Mother at the age of 72. I am so happy for her and so sad for me. The last year of mom's life she was mostly sick or just too tired to do anything. I am glad she is out of pain and in Heaven, but I really miss her so much. Still in shock I had a stroke last year at the age of 46 and a year later I lose my mom. I thought if I started blogging again maybe it would help me in dealing and coping with so many catastrophic things.   I have been reading every on



Been a while since I have blogged!

And I sure have missed it! Been so busy, mom was in the hospital for 3 weeks, then sent home with hospice, hospice only lasted for about a week, then we started morphine and mom only lasted 2 days. She passed away Thursday night at 3:30 in the morning (I guess Friday morning) She went peacefully. . We just made her funeral arrangements yesterday. Her showing is 4:00-8:00 Tuesday with her funeral Wednesday at 1:00. Hopefully when things settle down some, I will be able to start blogging again.



Happy 1st year Post Stroke Anniversary to me!!

Today marks my 1 year post stroke anniversary! Yeah! I made it through the year with no more strokes, mini strokes or nothing!!   I am happy because I read some where, during the 1st year after stroke the chances of having another one is 35%--I have been worried about that.   This anniversary means so many things, good and bad. I wouldn't wish a stroke on my worse enemy, it is terrible, awful, catastrophic, etc. I have learned a lot from having one though. And some things, I didn't have a ch



Just feel like blogging...............

Not a lot of new things happening around my house, but I just felt like blogging. I love to read every one else's blogs, very entertaining, very funny, very sad, very blessed. It is good therapy for my soul to read blogs and to write my own. I want everyone to know I read everyone's blog! I just do not respond a lot, the same reason I never join chat--I can only type basically with one finger now since the stroke. It takes a long time to type one paragraph for me. I do post updates on Facebook e



Our Summer is almost over :(

My daughter's start back to school on wednesday, so our Summer is officially over, bummer! I have to say despite my stroke we had a nice 2 months off. One of the reasons God left me behind--because of 2 underage children. We just have fun being together, God blessed me that way. Over the summer we went to public pools 4 or 5 times, a fair/carnival, drive inn, bowling, lots of fun things! My youngest will be 12 in October she has a couple of really good friends who live in our little town, seems



Acceptance of stroke, VBS, Driving

Still enjoying the Summer with my girls! Lately we have been goofing off a lot, staying up late and sleeping late. One thing I love about summer is when I don't have to set an alarm clock! LOL Time just goes by so fast, I know I am not the only Mother who would love to know the secret to keeping their children young a little longer. I see beautiful little babies and I wonder how my kids can be 15 and 11!   We start Vacation Bible School tomorrow evening through Thursday evening. I am excited,



Summer Fun, Plateaus Therapy

We have been having so much fun with the girls home for Summer break, they went swimming at a public pool one day, we went to a local fair/carnival one evening, Drive-in one night and just yesterday took them bowling because it was raining. Everything has been fun--even though I am just watching this year and not participating in anything. Kind of hard for me, this is the 1st summer after my stroke. I used to jump right in and participate in everything. One thing we learned at the fair--turn the



5th Grade Graduation, Therapy, Start Of Summer Break=Fun

My 11 year old graduated Thursday from 5th grade, she is officially in middle school, my oldest who is 15 just finished 9th grade. They are getting so old--which makes me getting older! Boo! They are on Summer break now and that means fun and sleeping in for us! My husband just took our youngest and a friend of hers swimming today at a public pool. I went along and rode in my wheelchair just to get out, people watch and get some sun/vitamin D. Think I got a little too much Vitamin D--my sun bur



Therapy, Neurologist, 5th grade Dance

Last Friday, my 11 year old had her 1st dance--called a "going away " dance because in the Fall she starts 6th grade at the Middle School and is going away from the elementary. Her, her friends and boyfriend had a wonderful and fun time.I am glad they had fun, but I am old fashioned and think 11 is a little young for boys, make up etc...The school never pushed it, but when a girl hears dance they think of that stuff, or at least my 11 year old does, my 15 year old is totally different.   My mo



Happy Mother's Day to everyone! My mom, Life last week

Happy Mother's Day to every mom and hope you enjoy your day! One of the best and extremely difficult things I have ever done is become a Mother. The love is amazing! My mom started having troubles with not being able to control her right arm on Monday. My Dad's niece lives with them to take care of my dad, she called me and wanted me to try and convince my mom to go to the hospital. Of course, she is stubborn and wouldn't go. The next morning my cousin called 911 to take her to the hospital.



47th Birthday, Parent's 50th Anniversary

Another busy week,what else is new? I am supposed to be doing therapy at home like a full time job, I go to outpatient therapy twice a week for PT and OT, Being married with two daughters (11 and 15) and being so busy makes me feel like I am not doing enough, like a full time job. Oh well, like they said washing dishes and stuff like that counts as therapy. I am improving and making small progress, insurance just approved PT up until May 12th. I need to quit beating myself up so much. I think wh



8th Month Stroke Anniversary, Church, Life

The weather in Indiana is funny! Not! LOL We hit 80 Degrees over the weekend and Tuesday morning it was 26 Degrees! Have lived here all of my life, I love the change of seasons, but not so drastic! Have seriously thought about moving especially no since the stroke and not being very mobile, and we just had so much snow over the winter. Just have a problem leaving my mom and dad, church and my children love their school. I don't know, guess I will have to keep praying about that and see where Go



My Week, E-stem, Movie, Blood Doctor

New, used van is working out for us, yeah! I have been using e-stem on my weak left arm for about a month now, I think it has helped a lot! I use it every day for 1/2 hour on the shoulder, 1/2 hour on the elbow and 1/2 hour on the wrist. Anyone else use e-stem? and what are your thoughts?   I see an oncologist (cancer) doctor for a genetic rare blood disorder, I went to a 3 month check up yesterday, they only took 2 vials of blood, last time they took 7. I didn't know I had this until after



Pain is controlled, New Used Vehicle, Decent Weather

Finally, a week not filled with all bad news! LOL I think we have my back pain under control now. If I take 1/2 of the dosage of the muscle relaxer, it helps with pain and doesn't make me sleep half of the day and evening! Yeah! Don't like too feel like I am missing life by sleeping so much.   The weather is turning nicer in Indiana! 60's today for the temperature and sunny, sunny, sunny! But supposed to rain over the next few days! Yuck At least the forecast doesn't call for snow!   The gi



Too much pain last week

Been having trouble with my right hip and lower back, that is my strong side, the stroke affected my left side. . Once during physical therapy, I left in tears because of the pain. They gave me some stretches to see if that would help. They did some, but last Tuesday my back was hurting so bad, I cried and moaned so much, I told my husband, I think I need to go to the ER. Made it through the night and the next morning called my primary care doctor and went to see him. He thinks it might be mus



Another Walking Video on Facebook, Not enjoying time change

My girls just taped and uploaded another 2 minute walking video of me on Face book (Tina Trew Cornett) This will be the last one for a while. The first one was 9/2013 and this one is 3/2013. I am improving so much, but not any where near like I was before my CVA. Working on accepting that, some days are better than others.   Not enjoying this time change, love it in the fall when we gain an hour, but don't enjoy in the Spring when we lose an hour. To get the girls out the door in time for sch



Walking Video, Facebook, Daily life, E Stem

Hi again,   My daughter found 2 pictures of me in the hospital and a small video of me walking on her IPOD. She uploaded them to my Facebook page if anyone is interested in seeing them, my page is public and the name is Tina Trew Cornett.. I hope that is okay to put here, I am not promoting anything and I would post it here, but I am not tech savvy enough to know how to bring it here from there. My whole left side was flaccid, I have movement, but it is not functional. When I first started w



Already Love This Website!

Hello Anyone! I had a stroke on August 16, 2013 at the age of 46. It left my whole left side flaccid. I now have movement, but the leg, arm and hand are not functional. Did 5 weeks in an acute rehab doing therapy. Two months of having physical and occupational therapy in home. Now have started outpatient therapy. I can walk very short distances with a quad cane.   Thank God the stroke never affected my speech, memory or cognitive skills.   I live in snowy Indiana with my husband of 20 year

