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NO this side of the bed is not gonna work



so dan has always through the years taken the side of the bed closest through the door - typical male thing i think…. but because the stroke affects his rt side - the rt side of the bed is the best side for him…. but he has decided he is gonna sleep closest to the door… which is awesome --- NO wait it is not awesome …. he has very little control where he needs it and had made more messes -- every night the bed ( his side it wet ) yes we still have almost daily instance anyhow - but now he misses everything …. he is unable even to cover himself and he starts out by not wanting any covers but the sheet -- so in the middle of the night he gets cold and wets the bed more often than normal and then can't reach the blanket ---- yesterday in the wee hours ( that time many of us get our only decent sleep ) he is YELLING -- water, water… i hop outta bed think urinal - nope ( he had already wet the bed) so i think is he thirsty - not he gets mad when i offer him "water" i ask coke ? since he won't drink water for the most part anyways…. Npe - so then i run around the room pointing and touching everything cause MR OCD-- wants something perfected… no he was cold and needed the comforter pulled over to him - But first a complete bed change and shirt change… And I am up now this early am cause the same thing just played out…….

Last nite was dans traditional card nite .. we did our ritual , no other word for it - it certainly is not a date since hardly any "mutual" niceties are exchanged .. he chooses the pew the least accessible for me to help him - giving me limited space to help with the transfer from wheel chair to pew and back -- i have maybe 5 inches on the outside of the wheel chair … he chooses this pew every time it is vacant … a pew in front or in back no problem but dan seems to think the pew with the pillar is the way to go…… then i sit through the whole church process - i am not catholic - so i do this for him, we have for the most part pretty boring rectors , and i love christ - and church is great when you are not so tired you would rather be dead… but i am forced to go - others volunteer but he looks at me with this terrible distain like what a awful wife for not wanting to go partake in the whole "ritual "-" his" not the "church"--- so finally church is done - oh he loves to hip shove me over when they bring the host to him… i would rather sit on the other side of him , but no we have a ritual…. last night we do the whole apple bees thing - where i end up having to help him into the high bar stools --- which is fine once a week therapy sorta.. he insists we "share" every meal ok - so we order steak well done - never well done enough for him - so i cut the steak in half and just have them nuke his half or it would be charcoal .. and then we have the whole coke no ice - instantly.. which is what prompted us to sit at the bar, service is generally good and the delivery of pop quick…

so we leave apple bees and go home so he can use the bathroom - better than making nancy clean public toilets anyways right ? --- so he spends 2 hours on the toilet cause he is so constipated - i do 4 fleet enemas - finally get a evacuation - he is tired and weak , but insists - Cards - i am so tired by now i am crying i just don't want to do this ritual anymore … the bar is not my scene and since he tries the whole YOU can't have a drink - sometimes i just lost any interest .. and i have very few friends -- to call and say come hang with me - i am miserable. the few i have, i don't want to abuse … so he plays cards actually did ok --- came home and insisted he sleep on the side of the bed that doesn't work out so good for either of us…. Control issue it is - we all know that - I swear sometimes he is trying to work me to death in a sick twisted way of revenge for his stroke ….. and sometimes i wish i would just die , this is no way to live for him, me or anyone…… and in answer to the question the new girl is doing a great job in terms of helping out with everything- i come home the house is spotless and she has a schedule that so far she has adhered to. so I am not overly stressed about housework and the like, just sick of this roller coaster ride -- i have thrown up on all the bystanders and they have went away….cause this life is not a life.. it is its own prison for Dan and for me---

Yes, another "Good morning" - happy fun filled day…… in stroke land USA …..nancyl


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As always, same trajectory for our two guys. Love the "wee hours" quote, I'm gonna be using that one. I can never get back to sleep either, so frustrating that I never get to see how my dreams end.


Are you feeling any better yet after your operation? I'm guessing it takes time for the blood to build back up.....

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ah Nancy, it really does seem like he takes it all out on you. I think I'd have had a melt down on him many times by now, and he would have either figured out that I was as stubborn as him, and it was my way or the highway, or he'd have went off to a SNH. Seriously, you can't be happy when someone is determined to make sure you are not. I am able to take care of Bob, because he doesn't work against me or talk mean to me. Things might be completely different here if he did.


Hey... why his he wetting the bed? But can wet thru, eventhough he has on baggy Assurance tab diapers from Walmart. They are not fit to wear when awake, but easiest to change at night. I now put a guard between his legs and over the spout, and then one going crossways, overlapping the other one a little. What happens is if the normal one gets really wet, it begins to get heavy and sink downward, then the top crossways one is there to pick up any urine. I used to change him around 2, but he was hardly wet, even later. For him, he doesn't reallly start going till around 6, so I change him around 7:30-8:30 and it lasts till he gets up around 11am.


There is also some fiasco we call where he can pee out the side of his diaper, missing all pads. To help with this, I lay a towel over his diaper area, so anything that comes thru will hit it, on it's way downward to the pad. I have a washable pad, covered by an XLarge disposable pad, that he lies on. He doesn't change positions at night, and somehow doesn't mind it at all, just sleeps on his back.

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I'm with Sandy. He may feel such a sense of loss of control that he takes comfort in controlling you but that isn't an excuse for his behavior and he would be learning that quick and comfort wouldn't be one of my concerns.


Nancy, you're a caregiver not a slave. He won't like it, but it won't stop until you put a stop to it. You deserve alot of respect for what you do for your husband and family. Time to demand that respect.

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Hi Nancy, I am with Sandy,and Jangelini, Dan may feel a sense of loss that he takes comfort in controlling you, but that does not allow him to be treating you this way. He had a stroke, but it was not your fault, life happens. You are a wonderful person, great caregiver, and you deserver respect. My dear, my English and Jacamican side would be out and He be acting a fool, but I be a bigger fool! LOL.


Take it easy Nancy, look after yourself, get that much needed rest



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I am so sorry honey - and with you still recovering. You must be exhausted as well as emotionally worn. Please do try to find some time off and Nancy, if you have to nap, maybe Beth can help you out there. Do check in. Debbie

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Nancy :


I agree with all the commentators above, he should be shipped to nursing home with that attitude.



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had a nuero appt. -- Dan is just not a happy camper - back to not eating, drinking and refusing meds…. so here we go again -- called his pcp who does not have any openings till the 19th - really what good does that do me?? of course i took it - and i will go meet with his nurse case manager tomorrow --- maybe we can bypass the doc and head straight to a surgeon - who ironically you can see faster…. crazy…. this up and down - up and down - i know it has all been done before but i can't take it anymore the constant games on dans part… this time caused because no one could figure out what pop - snap meant . i was gone - but my son, daughter in law and both daughter all tried everything - finally he got mad and went to bed then has refused to talk from there on out.. wouldn't even speak to the neurologist today……. i just want a normal - well even a stroke normal life --- this crazy land i am in just is awful !!

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