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For over a week now I have been keeping a suprise from Chris. I received a phone call from his sister who lives in Maryland that she and Chris' brother where coming up today. It has been a tough secret to keep. So this morning when I got Chris up - I told him that he only had 1 1/2 hours to eat breakfast, get cleaned up and dressed. I told him that he would be receiving a suprise today. He kept trying to get out of me what was going to happen. Well we did it - he was completely finished and ready by 11:30am. Chris was napping when his sister and brother walked in the door. They woke him up and he was so happy to see them that he started to cry. Chris' family is very close. They really had a great time together and they brought up a ton of food. My sister-in-law had made meals that I froze and will have for dinners - she brought up so much food that my freezer is just about stacked to the top.


While his family was with him - his brother-in-law told me to go do whatever I wanted to give me a break. So I was able to take 2 hours and do absoultley nothing but pamper myself which was WONDERFUL!!!!!!! rolleyes.gif


Emotionally Chris is doing so good. happydance.gif Now I hope that the physical part of this whole thing starts going as well for him.


Then this evening we got more company. He was totally exhausted when he went to bed tonight. Tommorrow is Father's Day - which will be even more tiring for him. But it is great to see him SMILE smile.gif He is also so much better emotionally

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What a wonderful weekend you two are having!! Tell your sister-in-law I'm jealous of her thoughtfulness. That was truly a nice thing to do, bringing all those dinners. Glad you also got a break!



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