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The waiting game



I tried going back to my apartment last Sunday because I was just tired of laying here depressed at my dad's house. I made it through the evening and the night but I had to call my dad to pick me back up on Monday. I could not stop crying and I didn't want to be at my apartment but I didn't want to come back to my dad's house. He picked me up and we went visiting my older brothers and their kids but I still couldn't stop crying so I had to come back and stay with my dad.


Seems like my meds finally kicked in on Thanksgiving morning! I woke up and smiled for the first time in a long time. It's like the heaviness was lifted from me and God wrapped me in His arms and said "you're safe now." I went to Thanksgiving dinner with my family that day. I started to get a little anxious and exhausted that night but I breathed through the anxiety and my oldest brother that had visited me at the hospital held my hand until I felt okay.


A few weeks ago I was having panic attacks back to back, emotionally exhausted, feeling like things were not getting any better, afraid to go anywhere or do anything. But ever since Thanksgiving I have had joy. I wake up in the morning and smile. I even successfully stayed the night at my apartment again on Friday and drove my car (with my boyfriend in the passenger seat). I have been able to ride all around town with my dad with no fear. I block out the "weird" feelings and don't even acknowledge the anxiety because I know there is nothing to be afraid of and nothing is going to happen.


Im just tired of the waiting game. I guess because my stroke was at 12, I've always hated waiting on things to change that are beyond my control. I thought my services would already be set up for me when I got out of the hospital but I had to WAIT to meet with my nurse care manager, WAIT to meet my Outreach counselor, and I have been WAITING to get approved for services (in home therapy, transportation, etc.)


Yesterday I had my appointment with Vocational Rehab. I had already been WAITING since September to meet my counselor and this was the only thing I had to look forward to so when she told me I have to WAIT for a referral to the employment agencies they work with, then WAIT for them to find me a part time job, it was disappointing. I just want to work. I just want to go back to my apartment and not feel like things are the same as they were since April. I want to get on with my life. I have been unemployed since last Thanksgiving. I had to WAIT for the seizures to stop, I've been in therapy WAITING for the anxiety to get better which only turned into panic disorder. I don't want to go sit in my apartment and wait anymore. Sure I've thought of other things I can do and I have friends and family that can visit. But I have to learn to block out those memories of all the attacks I had in that apartment and it would be easier to live there again by myself if I had a new routine which includes working and not trying to think of what I can do every hour of the day from the time I wake up at 5am until I go to bed at 9 pm like I'd been doing for the past 7 months.


It sucks that no one thinks Im ready to jump into a full time position but of course most part time jobs are things I can't do like fast food and retail so I kinda have no choice but to wait on the agencies to help me and with the holidays slowing things down, I really dont want to wait until next month (YEAR) to start working.


*Good news: SSA had been underpaying me this year so I got a nice check this month that helped me pay my car insurance for 6 months, vehicle tax, and get it inspected with money leftover. I also have not heard from the medical review board yet so I can continue driving as long as Im comfortable. Im going to look into some volunteer opportunities today.


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Katrina, I think this is just life.  I have always called myself the lady-in-waiting as that is what it seemed like when we queued for all of Ray's various appointments etc.  I thought when he died I would be free of all that but it seems like we have to get in line for everything else in life too.  I suggest you find some books you like and read to fill in time, if you don't want to read watch DVDs, go sit in the mall and do some people watching for a break in between. That is how I filled in a lot of time in the past.


Great news about the back pay and being able to pay bills etc with it. Life seems as if it in on hold a lot of the time.  I wish you could jump into a good job, find some great new career etc but in my experience if you can get a job you can manage that pays what you need to pay your expenses that has to do.

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Well I'm back on board and let me tell you "little sister" it's time to dry up stop crying it does no good and runs you short of water in your body so save those tears.


I wish you could visit Fort Hood, Texas and speak with some of the female soldiers here who have no hands to hold their child but they refuse to CRY and don't give up so you got to be stronger and stay strong as you walk along the way. My walking is not nearly as good as yours.

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