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i dont understand



I had another seizure in my sleep on June 1st. I'd had an awesome day. I stayed busy, exercised, read books, tutored. I don't know why I had the seizure. I woke up at 4am on the bathroom floor with my pants off once again. My bath rugs were all jumbled up and my covers were at the foot of my bed. Its almost like I got out of bed to go to the bathroom then had a seizure. I don't know. I bit my tongue really bad. I'd done so much last weekend I really thought things were looking up for me. Unfortunately that seizure zapped my joy. Im afraid of driving, afraid to start working now, afraid of being alone in my apartment. I haven't laid on my left side all week because it reminds me of the seizure. I try not to think about it but when I do, I just want to die.

I had signed up to join a lot of ministries at my church but now I just don't know. I don't want to commit to anything then not be able to drive there, not feel like going, or be here at my dad's house and not have a ride. I wish my life wasnt so complicated. I know life isnt always going to be happy all the time. I just dont understand why Im always attacked by illness which seems to affect every other facet of my life.


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I am so sorry your seizures have continued.  you have to plan your life out because of the stroke - coordinating rides and making decisions to commit to things.  The seizures take a lot of freedom from you. But you are a strong gal with a lot to offer don't hide yourself away out of fear. 

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Katrina, I continue to say prayers for you and myself, I think I just have to continue to be positive our conditions will prevail and in the long haul we both will get pass this season we are living right now...


I feel better days are ahead of us both it just takes more faith in God on our parts, it's not the end of the road but I can say at times it sure does feel like it... I got both hands but can only use one good and my walking is almost none but I got my scooter inside and in my car for going places I can't walk...


At one time walking wasn't a problem, now it is constant something very hard for me to do... I'm praying we both get better soonest....

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Katrina :


I am sorry you are going through this seizure thing once again I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. when going through bad times just remember this will pass too & what lesson I have to learn from this ordeal. I know easy for me to say than go through. I can only pray god gives you strength to get through this new hurdle & something better will come out of all this crap. keep on fighting good fight & you will find solution. persistence pays off.



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Katrina, no wise words, just a (((hug))).  We value you here and want the best for you so be assured of our support in whatever you do.

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