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wow i haven't blogged since October so that means I've been doing good. I don't know if I put this is my last entry but I adopted a dog back in October. He is a black basset hound/ dachshund. I love him so much. He does wonders for my depression. He loves me. Just having him there helps with anxiety because I know Im not alone. I would post a pic but I dont know how on here anymore.


I quit my last job and started at the VA (Veterans Affairs Hospital). I like it so much better. The company I contract with only hires disabled so everyone I work with including my supervisor has some type of disability (most seem to be invisible.) So I've been working 5 days a week getting up at 6:30 every morning. I come to my dad's house on weekends to get a break from getting up early taking the dog out. Also he chewed up both of my remote controls and peed on my carpet a few times so I have to sit in my living room all day to keep an eye on him but here at my dad's I can just lay in bed and my dad feeds him and takes him out n stuff.


Sometimes it feels surreal when Im riding in my car on my way home from work. When i first started this blog I never knew if I would get a job one day, I was permanently denied of my license, and I was stuck in my bedroom at my dad's house living in a virtual world through my computer. It feels good to finally be free.


Since I work in the mornings, I miss yoga so I dont go to the YMCA anymore. I have gained 20 pounds in 6 months though so I get my exercise by taking my dog for walks everyday. I have a new psychotherapist. I just met her last week. She has not diagnosed me with anything but from our initial meeting she does not think I am bi polar. (I was diagnosed with it in June.) Even though I may not be bi polar, I am glad I was misdiagnosed because I have not had anymore seizures since I started the tegratol (mood stabilizer) they put me on which is also a seizure med.


The only downside is my old psychiatrist had decreased my paxil so I have been having anxiety attacks and feeling hopeless sometimes. I dont like talking about the anxiety attacks because I dont want to think about it so I choose not to blog about it and when I start to feel depressed, I just get in my car and go somewhere to eat or hangout with someone so I guess that's why i have not been blogging much lately. So when Im not blogging every couple days or once a week, take it as Im doing good for the most part.


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Katrina :


good to hear from you & I m glad you are doing well got new job & dog.  I think you should also watch oprah's super soul sunday either on her channel OWN or watch it online. It is quite healing. for me spiritual books & reading has been my antidepressant for last decade or so & ofcourse now I enjoy & love my new normal.



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Katrina, it is so good you have a job again and he freedom that brings.  Good job you are patient as finding chewed up items you dog has attacked would blow my cool.  Hope you continue to enjoy weekends with your Dad.

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Glad you are back on the board and still surviving as I am still surviving too.... 20 pounds in six months seems like you are not starving yourself any..... I am just existing and my grand daughter's little dog had six puppies we kept one girl so she would have company for a long time....


So now I got company all day long while she is in school and I'm still training the little one to use the pad to tt and poop as she see her mom do plus they enjoy riding outside with me on the scooter and across the street to the cluster mail box... They look forward to being outside with me..... 

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